Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Handkerchiefs, 127-129
Handprints, 50—54
Hittites, 38
India; sword manufacture, 49
Islam: and early use of Hags, 9 f; in-
fluence on Ottoman art. 16, 20,
33 f, 37
Janissary, 19, 22, 25, 29, 46, 83,
Japan,74 f
Judaic symbols, 43
Kaaba, 9, 20—23 passim, 32, 55
Mace, 132—136
Mamelukes, 53, 71, 89, 143
Mesopotamia, 3, 8, 39, 136
Messiah, 43
Mongols, 74, 88; and use of Hags,
7 f; inHuence on Ottoman court,
102; use of tents, 154—157 passim
Mythology: ancient Near East, 37—
Naramsin's stele, 39
Ornamental motifs, 56
Persia, xii, 3, 8-13, 15, 48, 54, 74,
89, 107, 121, 136; inHuence on
Ottoman court, 101 — 105; symbol-

ism on Hags, 37—40 passim; use of
tents, 153 f, 157, 169. See a/so Sa-
Phoenicians, 138
Phoenix, 8, 54 f
Poland: use of tuchs, 91—97. See afso
hetman in Word Index
Roman Empire, xi, xii, 24, 41; use
of military signs, 3, 7, 51; use of
tents, 154
Sabaeans, 40
Sacred banner. Sec sancak-i §erif in
Word Index
Safavid, 9, 107. See a^o Persia
Sasanians. See Persia
Seljuk, 13, 15, 24, 42, 56, 104
Shield of David, 43
Soloman's Seal, 37, 43 f, 50, 59, 125
Sumeria: symbolism on Hags, 38 f
Tents: Collection of Ottoman, 159—
171; hierarchy of Ottoman, 171 —
173; origin of, 153—157
Turbans, 106-117, 125
Turks (pre-Ottoman), xi; use of
Hags, 3, 8, 10, 13, 15, 33, 36, 41,
55; use of tents, 157; use of
tughs, 74
Zulfikar sword, 29, 44, 46—50, 57,