Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Angell, Samuel
Sculptured metopes discovered amongst the ruins of the ancient city of Selinus in Sicily by William Harris and Samuel Angell in the year 1823 — London, 1826

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the collection made by Harpalus for the Macedonian conqueror1.
A few lines only of the works of Telestes are now extantj pre-
served byAthenaeus from his poems entitled Argos and iEscula-
pius2. Insufficient to enable the critic to form an opinion of his
own on the merits of the poet, the extant verses are just enough
to cause him to doubt the subject of their metre*.

The first incident recorded in the history of Selinus, shows
how early the state was involved in those unhappy disputes with
the neighbouring /Egestans, which proved so continually dis-
astrous, and ultimately fatal to both parties.

In the fiftieth Olympiad, some Gnidians and Rhodians, im-
patient of the tyranny of the Asiatic monarchs, determined on
emigrating from their country, and having chosen for their
leader Pentathlus of Gnidos, who boasted his descent from
Hercules, sailed in quest of a settlement, and landed at Lily-
basum. They found the country involved in a war between the
jTIgestans and Selinuntians, and they were induced to join the
party of the Selinuntians; but these being shortly afterwards

1 Plut. in Vita Alex.

* Suidas in Telestes. Athenaus Deipnosophistaruni. The lines preserve:! by Athcna'us
related to the tibia which they laud in opposition to Melanippides. Telestes controverts
the idea that Minerva had rejected that instrument on account of the deformity it occa-
sioned to the visage : he argues that a deity to whom is attributed " virginity", " without
nuptials, and \\ it limn children", would be little solicitous about personal beauty.

1 Fabricii Bibl. Graw. vol. i. 508. Atmotator on Athcnteus loc. eit.

We are indebted to Mr. diaries ('. Atkinson for the above interesting accomit of Telestes,
and for other valuable notices in tile hi-tmv of Seliun-. Mr. Alkin-uii accompanied Messes.
Harris and Angell in their tour of Sicily, and, from the great interest he took in their studies,
his extensive literal'} acquirements and able researches afforded them much ass
investigation of the antiquities.