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Angell, Samuel
Sculptured metopes discovered amongst the ruins of the ancient city of Selinus in Sicily by William Harris and Samuel Angell in the year 1823 — London, 1826

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that this celebrated story was sculptured in front of the Temple
of Jupiter at Olvinpia, and his description of it coincides in
many points with the sculpture of this metope1.

Is a representation of the metope which was placed to the
spectator's right of the last. It is hy far the most perfect of
the three, and is particularly interesting, from the illustration
which it presents of one of the most celebrated subjects in an-
cient mythology, the death of the Gorgon Medusa1.

Perseus, emboldened by the presence of Minerva, is repre-
sented in the act of slaying Medusa ; his look is averted from

1 " In tlie front part of the top of the temple, the equestrian contest of Pelops against
(Ellomnus is represented, ami each semis preparing himself for the course. On the right
hand of the statue of Jupiter, which nearly stands iibout tin.- middle of the summit, there is
a statue of CEnoniaus with a helmet on his head, and near him yon may perceive his wife
Sterope, who was one of the daughters of Atlas. Myrtilus, the charioteer of (Enomaus,
is seated behind the horses. The horses arc four in number, and after Myrtilus there are
two men whose names arc not mentioned, but they appear to he those to whom (Eiiomaus
committed the care of his horses. Near the top of the temple, the river Cladeus is repre-
sented, for this river is honoured hy the Eleans next to Alpheus. On the left hand of the
statue of Jupiter, Pelops and Ilippodamia an represented, together with the charioteer of
Pelops, the horses, two men, and the grooms of Pelops. And the Trtezeniaiis report, that
the name of the charioteer of Pelops was Spha'tus, but the historians of the Olympian
affairs say that Ins name was Cillas." Taylor's Pausan. in Prior. Eliacis, c. x.

' This subject was represented by Myron in the Acropolis of Athens, and Oil the throne
of tin- statue of JCsnilapius at Kpiihurus. Pans. Attic, e. win. and Corinthiaeis, .