Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Hrsg.]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1897-1898

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Crum, Walter E.: Progress of Egyptology: coptic studies
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Progress of Egyptology.

hymns, there are full rubrics in Arabic. This office is not for use through
the whole of the Coptic Paschal season, i.e. Holy Week and Easter
Day, bat only for the latter festival. Dr. T. also gives, however, a
summary of the Saturday's office, which, as well as the valuable lection-
aries forming the rest of the service, he promises to publish subsequently.
Good MSS. of these are likewise in St. Petersburg (Imperial Instit. of
Orient. Languages).*

Dr. Turajeff has further edited another important liturgical book ls—
the Breviary of the Ethiopic Church. The MSS. used are in St. Peters-
burg, Berlin, London and Paris, and the texts are to be compared with
those in Tuki's Bohairic Diurnum. Facing the Ethiopic text is a
corresponding Old Slavonic version.

5. Philological. Since our notice (in last year's Eeport) of Prof.
Labib's Coptic-Arabic Dictionary, the second part (A —O) of the work
has appeared.13 What was said as to the first volume holds good of this :
the published vocabularies and lists have been utilized, and, further,
certain texts printed since these were compiled, e.g. Budge's St. George.
The ' scalae' employed appear to differ, as would be expected,
from Kircher's. Botanical terms are treated at unusual length.
This is due to the author's possession of a fine MS. of Bar Hebraeus'
Muntahabat of El Ghafiki (v. Assem., Bibl. Or. ii. 270), kindly shown me
when in Cairo. The book continues to include a mass of foreign—
Greek, Latin, Hebrew—words and names in the debased forms in which
the Coptic texts present them. The etymologies proposed (or repeated)
for some of these can now scarcely be defended; for instance, Nimrod,
through the form Nebrod, as from Copt, neb 'lord' and Hebr. rod -
Y"IN ' earth,' or Nikejow (the town of Paralos) as from ni- and Jcejdw -
sholiouji, ' little sand,' though in this instance the author disclaims any
property in the idea. The Dictionary should be useful, beyond its
immediate value in Egypt, as a handy repertory of the recognized Arabic
equivalents for the countless copticized Greek and Tjatin expressions.

Mrs. Butcher disclaims, in the preface to her history of the Coptic
Church,20 any aim more ambitious than the production of a ' readable '
book based upon the available authorities; and in this she has certainly
succeeded. She divides the history, from St. Mark to the present day,
into two parts, closing the first of them with the Arab conquest. The
whole story of Egyptian Christianity is told with the most pronounced
sympathy for the ' national' Jacobite party, while little good is related of

* For a translation of the Bussian preface I am indebted to the kindness of Miss
Lena Milman.