Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Hrsg.]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1907-1908

DOI Artikel:
Griffith, Francis Ll.: Progress of Egyptology: archaeology, hieroglyphic studies, etc.
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Archaeology, Hieroglyphic Studies, Etc.


misunderstandings of European antiquarian research). M. Maspero has
secured a number of books in request as priceless guides amongst treasure
seekers ; by publishing them he hopes to make the deluded people realise
their worthlessness, and spare the sculptures and inscriptions which have
been supposed to mask the treasures. Ahmed Bey Kamal edits the Arabic
text with a French translation in the series of memoirs of the French
Institute in Cairo, under the suggestive title, Livre des perles enfouies et du
mystere precieux au sujet des indications des cachcttes, des trouvailles et des
tresors. The book is a curiosity.

Mr. H. E. Hall has thoroughly revised Murray's Handbook for Egypt
and the Sudan for the eleventh edition. It is interesting to recall the fact
that the first edition was issued sixty-one years ago ; and some part of Sir
Gardner Wilkinson's original observations, which were in print twelve
years earlier, is still usefully retained. The section on the Anglo-Egyptian
Sudan may be said to be entirely new for this issue, and the work again
makes an excellent archaeological guide. A new edition has also been
issued of Baedeker's Egypt and the Sudan, the sixth in English.

M. Chassinat kindly sends us the following report of the work done by
the Institut Francais :—

" Malgre la perturbation causee par son transfert a Mounira,1 lTnstitut a
poursuivi ses travaux sans arret pendant l'annee scolaire 1907-1908.

" Trois missions, dont une en M^esopotamie, out etc confiees a ses

" M. L. Massignon a ete envoye a Bagdad pour etudier la topographie de
cette ville et des localites environnantes. Son voyage fut fructueux. Les
resultats peuvent en etre ainsi classes: 1° revision de la topographie
historique de Bagdad, etablie au moyen de deux series de documents : a)
plan cadastral et liste des parcelles de Bagdad ouest (hors des murs); ce
plan note tous les tells importants: b) repartition des tombeaux des saints,
d'apres un manuscrit ine'dit du XVIP siecle. 2° Hors Bagdad: a) liste de
tous les points du vilayet ou Ton rencontre des ruines et des inscriptions
arabes; b) plan du chateau arabe d'el-Khoder; c) releves et plans des
autres ruines voisines d'el-Khoder; Qala't Sharn'oun, Berdawi, et des ruines

1 As the result ot a very advantageous bargain, M. Chassinat has removed the
Institute to new and more commodious quarters.