Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 71.1917

DOI issue:
No. 294 (September 1917)
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Studio- Talk

Charles Shannon, A.R.A., has become a member gravest misgiving the absence of members
of the Club. • directly and adequately representing the artists

of this Country."

Until March last the administration of the

National Gallery of British Art, more widely The letter bears the following signatures:

known as the Tate Gallery, at Millbank, was in Edward J. Poynter (President, Roya1 Academy) ;

the hands of the Trustees of the National Frank Brangwyn (President, Royal Society of

Gallery in Trafalgar Square, but, acting on the British Artists) ; Frank Short, R.A. (President,

recommendation of Lord Curzon's Committee, Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and En-

the Treasury then constituted a separate Board gravers) ; Thos. Brock, K.C.B., R.A. (Pres'dent,

of Trustees for managing its affairs. The new Royal Society of British Sculptors) ; Dermod

Board as thus appointed consists of Lord Ply- O'Brien (President, Royal Hibernian Academy) ;

mouth, Lord d'Abernon, Mr. R. C. Witt, and Cuthbert Grundy (President, Royal Cambrian

Mr. C. J. Holmes, representing the Trustees of Academy) ; T. C. Gotch (President, Royal

the National Gallery, Lord Henry Bentinck, British Colonial Society of Artists) ; Lota Bowen

M.P., Mr. D. S. MacColl, Mr. Robert Ross, Mr. (President, Society of Women Artists) ; J. J.

J. R. Holliday, and Mr. C. Aitken, Keeper of the Shannon (President, Royal Society of Portrait

Tate Gallery. Mr. J. S. Sargent's name was Painters) ; David Murray, R.A. (President,

included in the list as first announced, but he Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours) ;

declined the invitation to join the new body. Alfred Parsons, R.A. (President, Royal Society
As it was understood that the

chief object for which the sepa- ■MffiHMHHiHH^^HHMIPHMMHHHRHI^HVMHHI

rate Board was constituted was
t 'd f t t'

body interested in and capable Hggjjjgf {/W^h ^silf^SBi

of dealing with various questions '' JVyA- ^ 5 ■KgHj

relating to modern art, the ab- K^UhHL j aBBr

sence from the Board as now y^t^J^/^^^^^^^^^|jj^H

representing modern British art M^^if ^ \ A^Bfjfl

having been nominated in their ■ /T/.'^nB \ K ■§■)■

official capacities) has created wF 1 iSS-JA yT-^«v

considerable dissatisfaction , to wEB&SBF / > / I J1 V J \ l\

which expression is given in the I ; 'ffy'f ■. V U J //Wn^HH

following letter, addressed to the mm \ y % _ N<_vy "m ''-jflj

Lords Commissioners of the Trea- WB f \]L ' *»—7 | | ' TMBfiBj

sury in July,'which we have been HH / m * s / \\ j \j|

asked to publish : I ' *\ ' I I I'- «8

"We, the undersigned, being B j\. '■ . \ \ : .. -I I j \\ WB

representatives of the leading "V \. . r'Jk 9

Royal and other important Art BBB: \\ \ \. iC?, r' n • if

Institutions throughout the Coun- B *""V^l/' \\ YAr^™

try, desire to call your attention HBl. \ \ |gj ' f\ /\fht1 '«. I

to the dissatisfaction of the BEX' \ V.. \ V j J / ■v£^mI

general body of Artists with the MO^""^ .............-v.Y. j {/ Jg^^Pg|

appointed to manage the affairs I ^SwBwSL .......j-Zj^yj^S^t^^^ I

of the National Gallery of British WMPBKfliiMiaMlfcf'liii "'''"'^^SHMBfclBife'''' * ]

of this body to the future wel-

j . embroidered panel: "the may queen. designed

fare of British Art, we regard with and sewn by rachel george
