Encoding of the Source Materials

All the original information created in the website is encoded in an XML-TEI format. We use an extension of the schema created by EpiDoc,encoding specific epistolary information that was originally outside the scope of EpiDoc. This extension is genereal TEI recommendations and examples from other projects.

Ancient language texts (Greek, Latin and Coptic) are drawn from papyri.info via Trismegistos (TM). Geographical coordinates are adopted from TM Places. The list of English keywords has been prepared on the basis of related terms translated from the Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der grirsichen Papyrunurkunden Ägyptens (HGV) and the Brussels Coptic Database.

Correspondence Information

Epidoc does not support the TEI elements relevant for the recording of specific metadata of letters. We included this in our files using the TEI element correspDesc