Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Addison, Joseph
Remarks on several parts of Italy: &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703 — London: Tonson, 1718

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Brefcza, Verona, Tadua.
(i and from the River, that the Surface
u of the Water was quite covered with
t£ their Multitudes. They quickly ran-
“ ged themselves, according to their se-
t£ veral Species, into a very beautiful
“ Congregation, and, like so many ra-
“ tional Creatures, presented themselves
<c before him to hear the Word of God.
<£ Sr. Antonio was so struck with the mi-
<c raculous Obedience and Submission of
<£ these poor Animals, that he found a
<£ secret Sweetness distilling upon his
“ Soul, and at last addressed himself to
<£ them in the following Words.
££ Altho’ the Infinite Power and Pro-
<£ vidence of God (my dearly beloved
“ Fiffi) discoversit self in all the Works
£t of his Creation, as in the Heavens, in
“ the Sun, in the Moon, and in the
sc Stars, in this lower World, in Man,
“ and in other perfeS: Creatures j never-
tc theless the Goodness of the Divine
“ Majesty fliines out in you more emi-
“ nemly, and appears after a more par-
ticular manner, than in any other Cre-
i( ated Beings. For notwithstanding
“ you are comprehended under the
£c Name of Reptiles-, partaking of amid-
<£ die Nature between Stones and Beasts,
£C and Imprisoned in the Deep Abyss of
“ Waters j notwithflanding you are
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