Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Addison, Joseph
Remarks on several parts of Italy: &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703 — London: Tonson, 1718

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'366 Switzerland.
not but take notice of the Make of se-
veral of their Barns I here saw. After
having laid a Frame of Wood for the
Foundation, they place at the Four
Corners of it Four huge Blocks, cut
in such a Shape as neither Mice nor a-
ny other sort of Vermin can creep up
the Sides of them, at the same time that
they raise the Corn above the Moisture
that might come into it from the Ground.
The whole weight of the Barn is sup-
ported by these Four Blocks.
What pleased me mo st at Bern was
their publick Walks by the Great
Church. They are raised extremely
high, and that their Weight might not
break down the Walls and Pilasters
which surround them, they are built
upon Arches and Vaults. Tho’ they are,
I believe, as high as most Steeples in
England from the Streets and Gardens
that lye at the Foot of them, yet about
Forty Years ago a Person in his Drink
fell down from the very Top to the Bot-
tom, without doing himself any other
Hurt than the Breaking of an Arm.
He dy’d about Four Years ago. There
is the noblest Summer-Prospect in the
World from this Walk, for you have
a full View of a huge Range of Moun-
tains that lye in the Country of the Grl-