Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Addison, Joseph
Remarks on several parts of Italy: &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703 — London: Tonson, 1718

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3 86 Switzerland.
which very much contribute to the
keeping up of their ancient Simplicity.
The Bourgeois, who arc at the Head
of the Governments, are obliged to ap-
pear at all their publick Assemblies in a
Black Cloak and a Band. The Wo-
mens Dress is very plain, those of the
best Quality wearing nothing on their
Heads generally but Furs, which are to
be met with in their own Country. *
The Persons of different Qualities in ■
both Sexes are indeed allowed their dif-
ferent Ornaments, but these are gene-
rally such as are by no means costly, be-
ing rather designed as Marks of Di-
slinftion than to make a Figure. The
chies Officers of Bern, for Example,
are known by the Crowns of their Hats,
which are much deeper than those of
an inferior Character. The Peasants are
generally cloathed in a coarse kind of i
Canvas, that is the Manufacture of the
Country. Their Holy-day Cloaths go
from Father to Son, and are seldom worn
out, ’till the Second or Third Genera-
tion : So that it is common enough to
see a Countryman in the Doublet and
Breeches of his Great-grand-father. j
Geneva is much politer than Switzer-
land^ or any of its Allies, and is there-
fore looked upon as the Court of the
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