Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Andersen, Hendrick Christian [Editor]; Hébrard, Ernest M. [Editor]
Creation of a world centre of communication — Paris, 1913

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n every period of time, history shows us that men created
and built architectural forms upon definite lines to pro-
tect life and to facilitate progress. From the humblest
prehistoric hut or group of huts, to massive granite walls
with forests of columns, or to a modern city, all kinds
and forms of construction, fragile or imposing, meagre
or magnificent, confusedly grouped or with order,
symmetry and beauty, have met definite mental, social
or political needs of men, have reflected a phase of moral
or spiritual development.
As we follow the onward march of humanity, we note that requirements
for grander centralisation become obligatory. It appears evident that habi-
tations and cities must in the future be conceived upon broader, more hygienic
lines, and that science as well as art must be drawn upon for the protection
and expansion of life, and for meeting the larger ranges of vital obligations,
made necessary by the concentration and unification of human efforts.

Therefore this volume presents architectural plans and suggestions for
conveniently and harmoniously meeting an incipient need, which, sooner or
later will give evidence of becoming a vital necessity to all parts of the inha-
bited world : that is, the need of an international world centre of communication.

The very fact that nations depend more and more upon harmonious
and peaceful economic relations facilitated by science and culture, assures us
that, at no remote period of time, the difficulties of cooperation must be