Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Editor]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1909-1910

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Griffith, Francis Ll.: Egypt Exploration Fund, [1]: the archaeological survey
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The Aeciiaeological Survey.


Professor Breasted's kind consent, the wonderful collection of photograplis
of Lower Nubia and the Sudan made by Breasted's two expéditions for the
University of Chicago, the négatives of which are deposited at Berlin.
Having exhausted thèse materials and obtained sundry useful hints froni
rny friends at Berlin and elsewhere, I continued my journey to Cairo and
there copiée! or collated the Maclver collection for the Philadelphia
publication and found two texts for the ' corpus,' one a fine altar of
unknown provenance, the other an inscribed amphora from the copper-
mines of 'Ollaqi. ïhen going southward again and favoured by the
extrême kindness of the officiais atKhartum, and especially Mr. Drummond
as Inspector of Antiquities, and Mr. Poole, the Director of the Government
steamers, Mrs. Griffith and I were able in an extraordinarily short space
of time to see a great deal of interest. The Khartum collections were
thoroughly ransacked, and on the homeward journey, led by Mr.
Drummond, we saw Benaga, Naga, the pyramids of Meroë, and Mr.
Garstang's camp on the site of Meroë itself. At Naga especially ail the
known inscriptions were more or less carefully collated and two Meroitic
graffiti and a graffito in Egyptian demotic (the southernmost yet found)
added to the list. At the pyramids of Meroë numerous collations were
made, and at Meroë itself I had the pleasure of copying several of the
newly-found inscriptions which are to appear in Prof. Garstang's next

At Wady Halfa we were entertained by Dr. Maclver, who took us from
point to point as far as Tomâs. A graffito on the temple gâte at Wady
Halfa was the only addition for the ' corpus,' and I was more occupied
in this région with certain inscriptions in Christian ISiubian than with
Meroitic. Arriving at Philae, however, in the middle of January, we were
fortunate enough to fincl the temple still well out of water, and were able
to copy one new inscription to which we had been directed by Prof.
Schaefer, and to observe valuable détails about others.

I have spent a large part of the time since my return home in working
out the inscriptions of the three séries—the 'Corpus,' the Philadelphia
séries, and the Liverpool séries from Meroë which Prof. Garstang
confided to me to edit. Many friends have helped to complète the work—
though chiefly with négative information, for the inscriptions are few and
far between ; and I know only of one inscription—at Moscow—that is not
more or less available for one or another of the publications. The Berlin
Academy, through Prof. Erman, has given permission to publish photo-
graplis obtained in its Expéditions. Mr. Crowfoot, formerly Inspector of
Antiquities in the Sudan, has sent me a valuable report on his explora-