Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Chares, fragments of a poem by, from a Heidelberg Papyrus.

Gerhard. .....

Christian Egypt. .........

Contract, a priestly, on an ostracon. ......

Copper working, the invention of attributed to Egypt.
Coptic acknowledgments of debts, on ostraca. Hall.
Coptic MSS. discovered in the ruins of the monastery of St.

Michael, in the Fayum. .....

,, two of them said to be in the Fayumic dialect.

,, illuminations in. ......

Coptic workmen, their influence in Spain. Whishaw.

Cursing of the fig-tree, a sermon on by Apa Sarapion.

Cylinder with Syrian designs and cartouche of Menkheperre.

Chassinat. .....

Cyril, St., homilies of on the Gospel of St. Luke. Ruckbr.

,, a work by, mentioned on an ostracon.
Cyril IV., Patriarch, a life of. Evetts. .....

Cyrus, St., the Anchorite, a life of by Pambo of Scete, in a British
Museum MS..........


Dances, ceremonial, of the kings, represented on the walls of

Temples. Kees. . . . . . i .

Dead, the Ethiopic prayers for. ......

Debod, the Temple of. Boeder. ......

Decrees of the Old Kingdom from Coptos. Weill. . .
Demetrius of Alexandria, an encomium upon by Flavius of Ephesus,

in a British Museum MS. ......

" Demi" of Eupolis, fragments of. Lefebvre.

Demosthenes (De Fals. Leg.), fragments of in the Oxyrhynchus

Papyri. ..........

Demotic papyrus fragments in the Munich Royal Library, a list of.

Reich. .....

Dendur, the Temple of. Blackman. .....

Deuteronomy, Jonah, and the Acts, in a papyrus volume in the

British Museum. ........

Didymus of Alexandria. Bardy. ......

Dogs and men, figures of with descriptive labels, perhaps intended

for teaching purposes, on an ostracon. ....

Dwarfs in Ancient Egypt. Buffer. .....

,, employed specially for the keeping of jewellery.

XXI. 47.
XXI. 54.
XXI. 28.
XXI. 30.
XXI. 69.

XXI. 54.
XXI. 54.
XXI. 55.
XXI. 74.
XXI. 65.

XXI. 33.
XXI. 63.
XXI. 65-
XXI. 67.

XXI. 64.

XXI. 37.
XXI. 61.
XXI. 26.
XXI. 26.

XXI. 64.
XXI. 47.

XXI. 46.

XXI. 30.
XXI. 25.

XXI. 56.
XXI. 62.

XXI. 28.
XXI. 39.
XXI. 39.