Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 44.2011

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Scarrocchia, Sandro: Dvořák and the trend in monument care
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7. ^^'lAPPMPiB/PÁ&t^g, 7^P<7— 7^77,
Bo/og/M. P^cto.* D^7<9 P^wr^i Bř?/qg%^.
buildings of the historical fabric, he draws attention
to the actuality of the entire systém of the famous
by Dvořák, quoting whole passages
concerning the threats hanging over the historical
patnmony (ignorance, spéculation, falše ideas of
progress, artistic decadence), as well as the positive
measures to be taken by the State to defend the pub-
lic and national interest, by the Church to defend the
spiritual value and in general to defend the artistic
value. On this matter, he recalls the weighty task
performed by the master in order to provide Austrian
monument care with a professional organisation and
he complains about the delay in Austria concerning
this matter compared with other countries such as

France for example, which, with the law of 1930, had
broadened the définition of "site" that dated back to
1913 and with the "Loi Malraux" of 1962 prépara-
tions were being made to reorganise the historical
districts with a highly advanced approach; then again
Holland, which boasted a city such as Maastricht
which had placed as many as 1 400 historical dwell-
ings under protection.
At this point, the crucial question is raised re-
garding the relationship of the new with the old:
who must be responsible for the work? Do modern
architects have the historical, technical and aesthetic
qualifications as requested by Dvořák in his time?
Here Sedlmayr's reasoning takés a very personal
