Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The Artist's Repository, Or, Encyclopedia of the Fine Arts (Band 2): Perspective, Architecture — London, 1808

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horizontal line, as a directory for figures, &c. re-
moved from the front of the picture. The fame fcale
would ferve to proportion other objects, fuch as
houfes, &c. fince it would then be fcarcely poflible
to reprefent dwellings fo fmall as to be uninhabit-
able, or their doors fo ftreight as to deny a paffage;
as on the other hand, it would prevent their dl«
mentions from fuiting giants rather than men.

With regard to planes inclined to the picture,
and to the horizon, it may be obferved, that it is
not always neceffary to delineate them by the pro-
cefs here given; but if the fituation of the extremes
of that portion of the plane which is wanted, can
be determined by means of any points already ob-
tained, they may be reprefented very eafily: as
■for inftance, the roof of a houfe, if the part where
it joins to the front wall be fuppofed, or given,
and the fame at the ridge of the roof, it is evident,
that thefe points united by a line, give the direction
of the roof; and as the ridge is ufually parallel to
the front wall, it equally directs the roof in every
part. The fame remark applies to landfcape: it is
not always neceffary to draw the inclination of a
hill, &c. geometrically: by a little practice, the eye
will quickly difcover the true bearings of furfaces to
each other, and will accordingly treat them with
fufficient accuracy, after having been taught by
correct principles.
