Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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has now disappeared. In keeping with the architectural features
of parastades and epistyle, we may supply a cornice with a row
•of antefixes, or, as was more common, a gable—probably rather
steep in angle, as the stele is narrow—with three akroteria ; three
rather than two, as was frequent at this period, for the stele is
larger than most, and seems to me to show reminiscences of
earlier styles. When such a cornice or gable was made separate
from the main part of the stele, a dowel on each side is more
common and reasonable There are, however, other instances
than this where but a single one is employed, and the fact that
the dowel is square lessens the danger of the gable turning on it
as a center. Possibly, though not probably, a small, deep hole,
longer than wide, which is visible back of the dowel, received a
pin to give additional security from turning

In the ground of the relief, on each side of the head and a little
below its top, are two irons 02 m in diameter, broken flush with
the surface. Similar irons, sometimes as many as six or more,
are often found in stones of the later period, and are to be taken
as serving — before they were broken off—as pegs on which
wreaths and the like were bung. Those on this stele are much
heavier than the average

On most stelai the epistyle is single, here it is double, the
lower half .087 m. wide, the upper .08 m., and projecting .003 m.
beyond the lower half. This bears the inscription, while the
upper part may have been decorated with painted triglyphs and
metopes, such as are occasionally found in plastic form on other
stones of the Roman period.

The inscription, in letters .042 m. high, runs the whole length
of the architrave, and is sadly crowded in its two final letters.
The last word, the adjective Aafi.aaKi]v6<;, is complete. Of the two
names preceding, the first is gone entirely, the second has lost its

beginning, but the letters----Jewcou are preserved, and before the

e the stone is so broken that the upper part of a letter having a
leg sloping from left to right is certain. The possible letters,
then, are a, 8, X. a is scarcely to be thought of, as the combina-
tion with the diphthong following is unusual. Of names whose
genitive would end in -Ssvkov, Ho\v8ev/cy<t, the only one I have
found, is to be excluded, as being so long as to leave notenoughroom