Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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scale-covered objeet on the rocks may be another net or a basket-trap
(KvpTij) such as is still used in the Aegean. A fragment (Fig. GO on the left)
representing a coil of rope lends some support to the view that the subject is
fishing-scene. I can offer no satisfactory explanation of Fig. G3, but it forms
part of the series ; it may represent Vegetation.

The action of the seated man (Fig. 61), and the nature of the objeet,
drawn likc a piecc of drapery, which he holds in his left hand and touches or
draws aside with his right, have been tnuch discussed. Eminent authorities
have suggestod that he is striking the strings of a harp or holding the reins
of a chariot. Both views are open to the objection that the painter w&o
drew a necklace and a coil of rope with such rainute fidelitv would have

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Fio. 03.—Fraomekt os Paikted Plastes. (1 :2.)

devoted the same attention to the details of a harp or a bunch of reins. A
better-preserved Version of the scene may some da}- come to light and decide
the question. The rieh apparel of the seated pert-onage probabl}" denotes
royal or official rank, while the stooping attitude of the second figure seems
to mark him as a servant or tribute-bearer.

^ 3.—The Design of While Lilics.

From G 3: 11, a room opening out of that which yielded the pictures
described in the two preceding sections, came a cjuantity of dark crimson
stueco decorated with white blies. They are of two sizes but otherwise
alike. fotmed in convcntional fashion with two white sepals and three yellow