Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Fig. 81 recalls the hiterwoven spirals on the early incisecl wäre, but the
design is really quite different; it consists of radii of Spiral chains diverging
from a common centre.

3. The fragments on PI. XIX. 1-5 belong to vases of similar shape to
2, but of larger size and with a Hat base. They are usually decorated
on the outside with a band round the base and a wavy line below the rim.
The designs on the interior are freer and more naturalistic than those of 2.

Flß. 851 (1 : 3). Fio. 86- (1 : 3).

Espccially remarkable is the ivy-leafed plant on XIX. 1. Several specimens
of this type (c.y. XIX. 5) show a combination of black and red paint, and on
the latest examples the designs are in red or brown entirely.

4. (a) Many of the shallow cups of the type of Fig. 85 have the inferior
decorated like the preceding vases. The handle is Hat; there is a slight
inward curve round the outside of the rim ; the base is Hat and slightly raised.

Fig. 87.—Flat Cup (Restored)3. (2 : 3.)

Both rim and base are surrounded by a black ring. XV. 15-16 and Figs.
.S2-84 belong to this class. The most interesting of the designs is the monster
on Figs. 83, 84, a creature of fancy of the same Order as the type discussed
on p. 109 ; it bears some reseinblance to a rather invertebrate griffin on one of
the shaft-grave vases (Schuchhardt, Eng. ed. p. 272).

(b) Other cups of the same shape have the decoration on the outside,
the inside being lcf't piain or covered with a coat of powdery red. In only a

1 Hestoration, to show tlie type.

- Light-coloured olay; matt black paint ;
remaina of Bomewhat powdery red coat inside :
slight coneavity round outside of rim. For
the pattern round the top cf. a leather

quiver from the tomb of Maherpra (Daressy,
FouiUes de la ValUe des Roh, PI. X. 2407:2).

3 Reddish clay ; smooth surface ; matt black
