Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Atkinson, Thomas [Mitarb.]
Excavations at Phylakopi in Melos — London, 1904

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§ 2,—Zead.

A piain solid disc, circular but with part of the circumference cut off,
■16 in diameter, -015 thick.

Three smaller discs, -105, '07, '053 in diameter, and from '015 to '007

Several Hat sheetlike pieces, and fragments of a narrow strip.

Two small whorls, XL. 20, shaped like a very obtuse cone with a concave
base, one perforated, the other pierced half-way.

Wo have not bcen able to identify the ' part of a leaden vessel with
incised lines marlring the rim,' mentioned in B.S.A. iii. p. 12.

The method of mending cracked or broken pottery with lead was
illustrated by several fragments of large jars with the lead still adhering,
XL. 21. A hole was bored near the edge in each of the pieces that were to
be joined, the holes were filled with lead, and the Allings united by another
thin strip on one or both sides.

In a mould, described in § 1, a running of lead had been used to secure
the pina by which the two halves of the mould were keyed together.

^ 3.—Bone.

Several awls or notting-needles of the primitive type common on all
early sites, XL. 1—5 ; about -07 long.

A hollow bone, XL. 0, ground flat at one end to serve as a polisher,
perhaps for pottery.

Four cylinders, XL. 7, -06—"12 long, highly polished by use; perhaps
knife-handles; the tang of the knife would be pushed through and bent over.
Cf. 'E(f>. 'Apx- 1899, TTiv. x. 5.

A bone pin, XL. !), -17 long, with two incised lines round the top. . The
absence of any head suggests that this was not a pin for the dress or the
hair, but a spindle; the incisions at the upper end would serve the same
purpose.though less effectually, as the hooked metal cajD,the äytcicrTpov of Plato,
Rep. ix. 616, on the spindles of classical and modern Greece. Such bronze
u^Kiarpa were found in the Dictaean Cave, but they have not occurred at
Mycenau, where however notched and grooved bone pins, which may have
sei'ved as spindles, are fairly common. Part of a bone spindle was found
sticking in a whorl at Troy, in the remains of the Second City.

A roughly carved cylinder, XL. 14., -03 high, '033 in diameter, with
axial Perforation and three bands in relief at one end.

A singlc boar's tusk.