Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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broken away but deliberately formed by the potter. The specimen figured
is '075 high and 095 in diameter ; another is larger, '08 high, '11 in
diameter. They are wheel-made and seem to belong to the latest period
of the site. They served to shade or screen from the wind a small hand-
lamp of the shape just described. The opening in the wall of the cover
allowed the straight handle of the lamp to project.

3. Stonc Lamp with thrce lugs.—Fig. 187 shows a remarkable lamp, 18 long
and 0G deep, which has been cut out of a lump of argillaceous yellow tufa,
burned red in places. Tt has a lip for the wick at the pointed end and
Square projections at the broad end and at each side. Below the projections
the exterior has been trimmed to a vertical
face, the object being to enable the vessel to
sit in a specially designed framo.

Torch-hulders.—Three, of the usual My-
cenaean type, a cylinder with a projecting
saucer attached midway to catch the drop-
pings; of coarse grey clay, one at least
wheel-made. Heiafht about "18 m. One is


so narrow at the base that it must have been
affixed to some kind of jjointed stand ; the
others are wide enough to stand by them-
selves. Cf. Tiryns Fig. 58, and two examplos
at Athens from Mycenae, 2597 and 2598,
amaller than ours; others found on the
Acropolis at Athens.

Fire-boxcs.—These are small globular
receptacles, usually supported on a ringstand
with sides sloping inwards and upwards; the Flfi- 18?--Lamp of Tufa.

i , „. »: • r j (Two views. 1:4.)

lower half of the cup is perforated with a num-
ber of small holes ; and there is always a larger

opening, sometimes at the bottom, sometimes at the side. In most cases
the inside of the cup is caked with ashes and shows marks of burning, in
others no traces of fire remain. The example shown in XXXVIII. 33 has

the large opening at the bottom, the sieve-like holes round it, and cnclosing
them a saucer-like rccurved rim. Fig. 185 shows it in section. These vessels
occurred in the strata of Mycenaean iniports. They are common on eariy
sites in Grete, but no instance is recorded from themainland of Greece. The

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