Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Joseph Baer & Co., Buchhandlung und Antiquariat; Joseph Baer & Co., Buchhandlung und Antiquariat [Editor]
Lagerkatalog / Josef Baer & Co., Frankfurt a.M. (Nr. 576): Illustrierte Bücher des 19. & 20. Jahrhunderts: Werke mit Illustrationen von Klinger, Menzel, Neureuther, Pocci, Rethel, Ludwig Richter, Sattler, Schwind etc., Beardsley, W. Crane, Cruikshank, Whistler etc. Cham, Doré, Gavarni, Grandville, Leloir, Meissonier, Rodin, Rops, Steinlen etc. — Frankfurt am Main: Joseph Baer & Co, 1910

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English illustrated books.


371 WIEDEMANN. — (Rollenhagen.) Der Froschmäusler. Bearb. von
Fr. Seidel, mit Illustr. von A. Wiedemann. Langensalza 1861. 8°.
Gart. M. 3. —
372 ZICK. —'Kleist, Das Käthchen von Heilbronn. Illustr. v. A. Zick.
Berl. 189.0. 4". Mit 8 Vollbildern in Licht dr. u. 18 Holzschn. Orig.-
Lwd. m. G. (M. 20.—) M. 15. —

Englische Bücherillustration.
English and American illustrated books.
373 Ainsworth, W. H., Windsor castle an histor. romance. Illustr. by G.
Cruikshank an d T o n y J o h a n n o t , with designs on wood
by A. Dela motte. With a portr. London 1853. Roy. 8°. cloth
gilt. M. 12. —
374 Art and Song. A series of original highly finished steel-engrav. from
masterpieces of art of the 19. Century accomp. by a selection of the
choicest poems in the English language. Ed. by R. Bell. Lond.
1867. 4to. With 31 fine engravings. Ornamental binding, brown
hfmor., wood covers richly gilt, gilt edges. Beautiful copy. M. 20. —
375 BEARDSLEY, Aubrey, The early work of. Ed. with an introduction
by H. C. Marillier. With over 180 designs. Limited edition, printed on
Japanese vellum. Out of print. — The later work. With up-
wards of 170 designs, including 11 in photogravure and 3 in colour.
Limited edition of 120 copies, printed on Japonese vellum. Cloth.
M. 150. —
376 — 6 drawings illustrating Th. Gautier’s romance Mademoiselle de
Maupin. London 1898. Fol. 6 photogravures in portfolio. M. 60. —
Only 50 copies printed, of which this is No. 7.
377 — Malory, Th., The Birth Life and Acts of King Arthur of His Noble
Knights of the Round Table their marvellous enquests and ad-
ventures the achieving of the San Greal and in the end le Morte
Darthur. The text is imprinted by William Caxton 1485 and now
spelled in modern style. E m b e 11 i s h e d with m a n y o r i -
ginal designs by Aubrey Beardsley. 1893. Ixuidon,
4to. Orig, cloth, richly gilt, top gilt. unc. Scarce. M. 120. —
See the il 1 us t r at io ns p. 38 and 41.
378 — The Pierrot of the Minute, a dramatic phantasy by Ernest D o w s o n.
With a frontispiece, initial letter, Vignette, and cul-de-lampe by
Aubrey Beardsley. London 1897. 4 to. Cloth, g. t. (also illustr.
by A. B.) M. 20. —
First edition, limited to 300 copies.

Joseph Baer & Co., Frankfurt a. M., Hochstr. 6.