Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrows, Samuel J.
The isles and shrines of Greece — Boston, 1898

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mountains rising on the left, at first with a dimpled
sky line, then growing more rugged and varied.
They are for us the first sight of a country over
which Turkish rule is extended. The hills are brown,
gray and barren. Off to the right are islands of hazy
blue. About ten o'clock Corfu comes in sight, —
first a long tongue of land lapping the sea, from
which rise stalwart mountains, wrapped in blue. This
island, with its mountains, has been the scene of many
a conflict, mythical or historic; but now it lies en-
swathed in perfect calm, as if it might really be the
fabled land of Alcinoiis. As we near it, the hills
describe more graceful curves and reveal their fresh
verdure. At first there is little indication of human
life; and it is hard to believe that this lovely island
was known to the ancients for centuries before the
existence of another continent was dreamed of, and
that it has been the theatre of Homeric myths,
the struggles of Greek against Greek, or of foreign
rivalry and rule. Then come signs of the fertility
which distinguishes the island. Olive groves spread
over the hills. A white house stands like an outpost
on a point overlooking a charming bay. The blue
sea is like a smooth lake. The hills are green, black,
brown and gray. Vessels are lying sleepily along
the shore, taking siestas of oriental languor.

But we may not touch those sacred shores till
the days of our purification are accomplished. Of
more immediate interest to us than the harbor of
Corfu, which lies before us under its protecting hills,
is the question, "Where is our quarantine to be
passed? " Just to the east of Corfu lies the island of
Vido. We slowly round its southern end, raise