Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrows, Samuel J.
The isles and shrines of Greece — Boston, 1898

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Ambrysus, 309.

American Archaeological School, 114

226, 227, 271, 279, 317; Legation

at Athens, 165.
(< American School, The," 235.
Amphiaraus, 255, 256.
Amphictyony, 297.
Amphorae, 133.
Amvelonia, 285.
Anagnos, Michael, ix.
Anastosios the priest, 50.
14 Ancient and Modern Greece," 7.
Andros, 254, 345.
Angel, lion, ox, and eagle, 211.
" Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical

Architecture," 214.
Anthology, 136, 137, 232, 233.
Antigone, 139, 146, 153.
Apollo, grotto of, 124, 34S; hymn to,

301-306, 313 ; neatherd, 319 ; shrine

to, 286, 346; statue of, 16S ; temple

of, 251,297, 301, 346.
Apologists, early Christian, 204,
Apollo's altar, 349.
Apostle Paul. See Saint.
Apostles, symbols of, 211.
Aqueduct of Samos, 351.
Arachnaeon, Mount, 274.
Arachova, 308.
Aratus, 205.
Arcadia, 80, 271,

Arcadian kings, seat of, 2S3 ; moun-
tains and plains, 284, 285.
Arch of Hadrian, 127, 227.
Archaeological Cavalry, 282-287.
Archaeological hospital, 352.
Archaeologists, discoveries of on

Acropolis, 119, 120.
Archaeology, development of, 7;

interest of, 8, 24; study of in

Greece, 6.
Archbishops of Greek Church, 164,

218, 219.
Archimandrite Constantius, 327.
Archimandrites, 186-188, 196,218.
Architect, inspection of, it6.
Architecture, Christian, 201 ; Greek,

Architrave, curvature of, 100.
Arena, Roman, 150, 273.

Areopagus 10, 104, 127, 164, 201,
202, 205.

Ares, 202.

Arethusa, spring of, 67.

Argolis, 271, 279.

Argos, 7, 5$, 279-

Argos the faithful dog, 58.

Argostoli, 46, 48, 49, 54.

Aristides, apology to Hadrian, 204,
205 ; "the rhetorician," 233.

Aristophanes, 126, 145, 154, 169, 176.

Aristotle, 226, 227, 318, 335, 343.

Arsakeion in Athens, 234.

Art, later Greek, 120; pre-Persian 120.

Artemis, 94; Brauronia, 112; wor-
ship of, 121, 346.

Asia Minor, 356.

Asia Minor, theatres in, 143.

Asylum of St. Catherine, 250.

Atakos, 64.

Athene, 33, 34, 55, 60, 61, 69, 94, 97,
103, T35, 260; aegis of, 120, 121 ;
as Saint Sophia, 210 ; coin, 245, 246;
colossal statue of, 101; contest with
Poseidon, 114; Corinthian helmet,
123; Doric chiton, 123; early repre-
sentations of, 120-122; Ergane,
117 ; girdle of, 95 ; guarding a stele,
123 ; holy hill of, 105, 112 ; Homer's
conception of, 103; Hygieia, 230;
in new guise, 104 ; influence of, 103 ;
mourning, 122 ; Nike temple of, 97,
113; peplos for, 237; Polias, 117;
Promachos, 118, 127; statue by
Phidias, 103; statues given to, 94,

124, 261 ; temples to, 94, 124, 261,
352, 365, 366; types of, 118, 120.

Athenian Mount of Olives, 127;

newspapers, 77, 163, 170, 229;

Wall Street, 170, 171,
Athens, 6-10, 25, 58, 76, 89, 90, 118,

125, 126, 283, 345 ; Acropolis of,
107; Christian architecture, 201;
citadel of, 126; cleanliness of, 155;
dances at, 154; Easter in, 221,
ecclesiastical school, 218; grave
monuments, 135 ; growth of, 93;
homes in, 195-198 ; in Middle Ages,
155; marriage customs in, 183-
iSS; Metropolitan Church, 207;