Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Beaufort, Francis
Karamania, or a brief description of the south coast of Asia-Minor and of the remains of antiquity: with plans, views, &c. ; collected during a survey of that coast, under the orders of the lords commissioners of the admiralty, in the years 1811 & 1812 — London, 1817

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of Takhtalu. The base, which is com-
posed of the crumbly rock before men-
tioned, is irregularly broken into deep
ravines, and covered with small trees;
the middle zone appears to be limestone,
with scattered evergreen bushes; and its
bald summit rises in an insulated peak
7,800 feet above the sea. There were a
few streaks of snow left on the peak in
the month of August, but many of the
distant mountains of the interior were
completely white for nearly a fourth
doAvn their sides. It may be inferred
from thence, that the elevation of this
part of Mount Taurus is not less than
10,000 feet, which is equal to that of
Mount Etna.

It is natural that such a striking fea-
ture us this stupendous mountain, in a
country inhabited by an illiterate and
credulous people, should be the subject
of numerous tales and traditions; ac-
cordingly we were informed by the pea-
sants, that there is a perpetual flow of