Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Beaufort, Francis
Karamania, or a brief description of the south coast of Asia-Minor and of the remains of antiquity: with plans, views, &c. ; collected during a survey of that coast, under the orders of the lords commissioners of the admiralty, in the years 1811 & 1812 — London, 1817

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anaMour castle. 19*5

strongly resembles some of the antient
castles of Great Britain. Its keep, or
citadel, is placed on a small rocky emi-
nence, and commands two open coasts,
which are surrounded by a chain of
towers of all shapes; dodecagonal, oct-
agonal, square, triangular, round, and
half round. The extreme dimensions
are about 800 by 300 feet; the walls and
towers are every where crenated; and
in some parts of the ramparts, apertures
have been made for cannon, but probably
at a period long after their original con-
struction. There are three arched gate-
ways, the principal of which is through a
square tower on the western side; and
over this gate there is a tablet encompas-
sed by fillets of alternate black and white
stone, which finish in a flat pointed arch;
it contains a long Arabic inscription, the
purport of which, according to our inter-
preter, is, that Aladin, the son of the brave
Mehemmet, had by his personal prowess,
and a numerous army, subdued this cas-
