Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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interesting faęade decoration and imposing interiors which feature the ancestors’ portrait gal-
lery. The residence was surrounded with a garden, one section of which was cross-shaped in the
liking of the UOrdre du Saint-Esprit.

The dynamics and the scope of the endowments, both those by Stanisław Wincenty, and
by Józef Aleksander, was clearly impacted by the princely title granted to the family in 1743.
This event could be compared to a catalyst, intensifying the activity of magnates in the field of
the arts. The attention and emphasis of the coronet in Stanisław Wincentys projects find their
continuance in the stressed importance of tradition and genealogy, expressed in the works com-
missioned by Józef Aleksander.

The Voivode of Nowogródek Jargely folłows the steps of Jan Stanisław and Stanisław
Wincenty in the field of the arts. Having said that, Józef Aleksanders endeavours can be con-
strued as taking the creation of ones own and ones familys image to a new level. This conclu-
sion is based on the fact that the magnates contributions not only supplemented or comple-
mented the achievements of his ancestors and elder relatives, but they extended beyond the fixed
mechanisms of artistic endowments.

Heraldic and genealogical aspects are excessively amplified, to the point of exaggeration,
which results from the Princes enąuiries into the past. Important events, celebrations and their
respective adornments and decorations received panegyric style descriptions, part of a wider
“promotional campaign.” The buildings erected by Józef Aleksander were more than single-
standing (disconnected), imposing proofs of magnificence; instead, they created a functional
system, significantly interconnected with references to historical past. In total, the Voivode of
Nowogródek either built from scratch or thoroughly remodelled as many as eighteen residences,
to name but the most important: the castle in Lachowce (1745-1755), and palaces in Podhorce
near Stryj (1734-1747) an in Lithuanian Jabłonów (1749-1753). In the case of Lachowce we may
note that the form of the building is concurrent with the ceremonial principles of a European
court, which ałso determined the shape and function of the library and the museum collection.
What is more, Prince Józef placed the importance not merely in the construction itself, but also
in endorsing his initiatives and making them known through the literary commentary, and to
that end he published collections of poems and inscriptions which praised the buildings he had
constructed (Podhorecnesia, 1754; Lechodunensia, around 1766).

There is another distinguishing value in the endeavours of the latter discussed Jabłonowski
— namely the emergence of a new, and extremely significant aspect to his endowments: pro
publico bono. In the case of Józef Aleksander and his efforts we witness a conscious examina-
tion and referral to the historical past. The proceedings of the founder of Societas Jablonoviana
(established in 1774 in Leipzig) position him within an elite stream of the culture of the Polish
Republic, which placed value not only in ones own achievements, but also in the works of the
others, whose creative process was endorsed and supported. The sense of durability of the com-
pleted, commendable endowment, for the Voivode of Nowogródek transpired not only from the
creation of the material work. He shared the belief of 16th-century authors, who thought such
monuments temporary and fleeting, and therefore he would also create works of literature which
would ensure a “true” and lasting memory of the future generations, followers, and heirs.

A wider scope of activity in the field of the arts, by the members of the family, starts only
at the end of the second decade of the 18th century. A significant intensification of noble endow-
ments, particularly in the field of religious buildings, dates to the third decade of the 18th cen-
tury onwards. We may venture to name a 25-year-long period, starting in 1728-1730, and lasting
until around 1755, in which the most important and best known contributions by subseąuent
members of the Jabłonowskis had originated. If we compare the endowments in the first peri-