Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Sztuki (Warschau) [Hrsg.]; Państwowy Instytut Sztuki (bis 1959) [Hrsg.]; Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki [Hrsg.]
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki — 73.2011

DOI Heft:
Nr. 3-4
DOI Artikel:
Kaminska, Rūta: The late Baroque church interiors of Livonia within pre-partition Poland
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 
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7. D77Mg72^/L JeAMZ'Z c/?M7T/?.
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the period's architectural heritage. Jesuit churches should be mentioned first, in
Daugavpils (Dunaburg) (1737-1746) and Ilukste (Illuxt) Jesuit church (1754-1758/1761-
1769; by Tomasz Żebrowski, etc.); also Dagda parish church, which was built around
1768 for use by the same religious order Jesuits. In the mid- to late-1700s Dominican
ensembles were constructed in Pasiene (Posih) (1753-1761) and Aglona (1768-1780/
1800). The scene of stone-built sacred architecture is complemented by the complex in
Vijani (Wielony) by Bernardines (1753/1777), Kraslava (K/raslaw) church built by the
Lazarists (1756-1767, designed by Paracco) and Piedruja (Przydrujsk) parish church
(1759-1774). Although these buildings have entered general works on the history of
Latvian and Baltic architecture and art since the late 19th-centuryż interiors of these
churches received less attention. This aspect, all the same, is important; especially from
the viewpoint of interpretation and dissemination of spatial principles found in Vilna
Baroque masters' works. This article will deal with this issue, providing a concise insight
into the subject.
Not all the mentioned objects have come down to our days and are available for
analysis: Daugavpils and Ilukste Jesuit churches no longer exist, the Dominican sanctuary
' W. NEUMANN, 67*7/777/7^7'^ 6/7757* Gg^c/z/c/z/e 7/57* M&77&77 AVUMg 7/777/ X7/77Mggwe7*Ag.s' z'72 AA-, EM- 7/777/ P7/7V77777/
W777 E/77/e T/ay 72. Az'y 27/777 4z/yg*7777g 7/ey /& ATZ^/zTa/T^ly, Reval 1887; B. VIPERS, Z.T/Tvz/U.s' 77777A/77 A7771A77 /777A7776/77,
Riga 937; J. KRASTIflŚ, I. STRAUTMANIS, J. DRIPEAT/nA/TM' 777777/6/7/7/7*77 7777 yg7777 /77ey A/z 77777^7/767777777, Riga 1998.