Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 2): Black-figured vases — London, 1893

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B 3. KYLIX. Ht. 4.I in. Diam. 7 in. 1854. Arch. Zeit. 1881, pi. 13, 1; Murray, Hand-

book of Gk. Arcliaeol. p. 70 ; Daremberg and Saglio, i. p. 1555 ; Dumont and Chaplain, p. 299.
Design black on pale drab ground, with incised lines and purple accessories,

Interior : Sacrifice: In the centre, a stand with lion's claws for feet,
supporting a crater, which has a small oinocJwe on the top ; on the stand two
pigeons are perched, facing opposite ways. On the 1. is a nude beardless
auletes to r., with long hair, playing the double flute (cf. Paus. v. 15, 6) ; on the
r., a similar figure to 1., with a keras in r. hand, and in 1. a phiale, his hair tied
behind his ears. Above on the 1. is an eagle (?) flying downwards, and in the
exergue a lotos-flower with tendrils.

Exterior : Palmettes on each side of the handles.

B 4. KYLIX. Ht. 6 in. Diam. ioj in. Naucratis, 1886. Naukratis I., pis. viii., ix., and

p. 53; Studniczka, Kyrene, p. 17 IT. ; Dumont and Chaplain, pp. 312, 400; J. H. S., x.
p. 133 ; Sikes, Nike of Archer?nos, p. ir. Much injured; a large part lost. Designs black on
buff ground, with purple accessories and incised lines.

Interior, within a double border of lotos-buds and pomegranates: The
nymph Cyrene standing to r., the ends of her hair and folds of her dress being
visible, also both feet, but the rest of her figure obliterated ; she holds in her hand
a large branch of silphium, and another branch with pomegranates, or perhaps
apples from the garden of the Hesperides (cf. Plin. N. H. xix. 41). Around
her are flying winged figures, on the 1. four Harpies (?), on the r. three
Boreades (?), all with long streaming hair and short fringed chitons ; the male
figures are bearded, and wear endromides. In the field are three large birds,
one flying to 1.

[The Harpies, according to Philodemos (ne/jl ei<re(l(Uis, p. 43), guarded the garden of the
Hesperides, which was localized at Cyrene ; the nymph Cyrene was a Hesperid (see Stud-
niczka, pp. 20-26). The Boreades are introduced as the winds bringing the fruit, and prospering
the land (Studniczka, p. 26) ; cf. the figure on the Daphnae vase, B 104 (rev.), representing
one of the sons of Boreas with various animals.]

Exterior: {a) Two cocks confronted ; between them, a palmette- and lotos-
pattern, {b) Two seated Sphinxes confronted (one obliterated), with long hair
tied behind and wings recurved. Under each handle a bird with crest and
wings spread, one to r., the other to 1. regardant. In the field, rosettes and

B 5. KYLIX. Ht. , 4 in. Diam. yl in. Naucratis, 1888. Fragments joined together and

restored. Design black and purple on drab ground, with incised lines.

Interior, within a border of pomegranates : Gorgoneion surrounded by
serpents ; teeth and tongue protruding ; under the chin a fringe of hair; eyelids
and eyebrows indicated.

Exterior: On either side of the handles, palmettes; below, rays, tono-ue-
pattern and pomegranates.