Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 784-803. RHYTONS.

E 784. RHYTON. Ht. 7 in. Diam. 5; in. Capua. Castellani, 1873. The lower part is moulded

in the form of two female heads, back to back, joined immediately behind the ears. The division
of the neck is marked by a thin vertical black line. The hair falls from the forehead over the cars
in a thick wavy mass, coloured a bright vermilion ; behind is a patch of black glaze, representing
part of a saccos. The flesh seems to have been coloured deep red, the lips bright vermilion ;
the pupils of the eyes are represented by a dot within a circle, both of black glaze, on a white
ground ; eyebrows and outline of eye in black glaze. These heads support a two-handled cup,
spreading outwards, on which is the design. Style of Brygos (cf. E 47). Purple wreaths,
inscriptions, cord and tuning-pegs of lyre, cords of basket. Brown inner marking and hair on
cheek in (a). Eye, archaic.

(a) An ephebos wreathed with vine, a mantle around his legs, reclining to
1., leaning against a wine-skin ; he looks down to r. with lips parted, as if singing,
and holds upright on the ground a large chelys, with his 1. fingers in its chords,
and in his r. the plectrum. On the 1. his knotted staff leans obliquely to 1. ;
beside it hangs a basket. In the field, HOnAIJ KAVOJ, 0 irals koKos.

{b) Similar scene. Here it is a bearded man, who, similarly reclining with
head to r. and lips parted, holds in his r. against his body a cotyle (silhouette
with red line below the handles). An end of his mantle passes over his 1.
forearm. The same objects and inscription in the field, but the staff (on r. of
the basket) is smooth and crutched.

E 785. RHYTON. Ht. (present) 9J in. Capua. Castellani, 1873. The cup, one-handled,

on which the design is painted, is in the form of a keras, supported on the knees of a bearded
man in a long sleeved chiton, himation and shoes, who is seated to r., with head resting against
the keras en face, on a diphros covered with a panther-skin. The seat is modelled as a square
base, on which the legs of the diphros and the panther-skin over it are in red ; the legs are
those of a panther. The figure of the man is painted in various colours, now more or less
faded, direct on the clay. The flesh has been vermilion ; the eyes white with black outline,
the eyeball black, with perhaps a white ring around the pupil; the beard is modelled, with wavy
black lines on the clay ; the chiton purple, the himation sea-green, and shoes white, with details
in fine black lines. The keras has a broad, semicircular handle, of which the lower part joins
the 1. knee of the figure. The upper edge has been carefully cut off all round, at a distance of
about 1 in. (probably) from the lip, and with it the heads of all the figures of the design have
disappeared. School of Chachrylion. Purple cord of plectrum and inscriptions. Brown upper
folds of chiton and jewellery, and inner markings. Below, a band of upright palmettos, ending
on r. in a bud.

Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite and Hermes. Hermes on the r. in chlamys
and winged talaria (the wing in front is upright, that behind, recurved), holding
caduceus butt downwards in his L, comes running to 1. in the archaic "kneeling"
attitude ; on the 1. is inscribed his name, l^MR . . , "EJp^?}?. Towards him
comes a procession, headed by Aphrodite (?) in long chiton and mantle over her