Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 4): Vases of the latest period — London, 1896

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ATHENIAN STYLE (F 1-148; see p. 15).

. BELL-CRATER. Ht. 17$ in. Diam. iS in. Rhodes, 1885. BUiotti Sale Cat. 230.
Designs red on black ground, with white accessories ; ornate style. Shape Fig. 1. Above
the designs, laurel-wreath ; below, maeander and chequer ; round the ends of the handles,
egg-moulding ; below the handles, palmettes.

(«) Dionysiac thiasos: In the centre, on an upper level, are Dionysos
and Ariadne, seated back to back, turning to look at each other ; Dionysos is
beardless, with ivy-wreath and fillet, curls in front of his ears, himation under
him and between his legs, with borders of palmettes and wave-pattern ;
rhyton in r. hand, thyrsos in 1. Ariadne has her hair gathered in a top-
knot, with curls in front of her ears, radiated ampyx, bracelets, long trans-
parent white chiton, himation over lower limbs with radiated and wave-
pattern borders, thyrsos in 1. hand ; her flesh is painted white, with outlines
in yellow. Below Dionysos is a Satyr seated on an overturned diota to 1.,
with ivy-wreath and fillet, turning back to look at a youthful Satyr to 1., with
ivy-wreath and fillet, in r. hand an oinoclwc, in 1. a rhyton ; a hare to r. leaps
up towards the first Satyr. On the 1., on a level between Dionysos and the
Satyrs, is a Maenad to r., as Ariadne, holding up a veil at back with r.
hand ; behind her, on the ground, is a Satyr to r., with ivy-wreath and fillet,
thyrsos in r. hand and rhyton in 1., and above him is seen the upper part of
a Satyr, who turns to look on at the scene, the lower part of his figure being
supposed to be concealed by the rocky ground ; he has ivy-wreath and fillet,
rhyton in r. hand and thyrsos in 1. On the r., below Ariadne, is a Maenad
seated to 1., with curly hair gathered in a radiated opisthospliendoni, earrings,
necklace, bracelets, long chiton and diploidion with embattled and wave-pattern
borders, thyrsos in r. hand ; 1. rests on a tympanon ornamented with wreath
and wave-border. Behind her is a Maenad moving away and looking back
(as the last, but with radiated border to chiton). Above, between the two
last, is a Satyr seated to r. looking to 1., with ivy-wreath and fillet, holding
up a tympanon (as before) in both hands. On the extreme r., on the same level,
is the upper part of a Satyr to r., turning to look on at the scene, his legs
supposed to be concealed by the rocky ground ; he has ivy-wreath, fillet, and
thyrsos in r. hand.

{0) Komos of four epliebi moving to i\, with myrtle-wreaths, and chlamydes