Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 4): Vases of the latest period — London, 1896

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Gr 9. PROCHOOS. Ht. sJ in. Eretria, 1894. Handle broken off. Design in colour of clay

covered with a white slip ; remains of blue and pink colouring.

In front is a relief of a Seilenos standing with knees bent, and holding a
bunch of grapes in r. hand ; he wears a blue wreath and a short pink garment
round his loins ; his body and legs are covered all over with shaggy skin. On
his 1. arm he carries a diminutive female figure with long hair, pink himation,
and shoes ; she holds a large cornucopia with fruit in 1. hand.

G 10. HYDRIA. Old No. C. 59. Ht. 17! in. Cyrenaica. Werry, 1856. Restored. Ribbed

body ; shape as Fig. 8, with recurved side-handles and thick foot. The handle at the back
terminates below in a moulded beardless mask ; on either side of its upper insertion is a knob.

On the neck and body are ivy-wreaths incised and painted in white,
that on the neck between two rows of dots. On the shoulder are reliefs
attached to the vase, four times repeated, representing Heracles seizing the
Keryneian stag: he kneels with r. knee on its haunch, and with 1. hand draws
it towards him by the mouth, while his r. arm is drawn back to strike it with
his club ; he wears the lion's skin over his r. shoulder.

[Cf. B 231, and Roscher, i. p. 2224.]

G 11. HYDRIA. Ht. i8| in. From Metapontum. Castellani, 1873. Repaired and restored.

Shape as Vol. III. Fig. 4. Round the lip, which is very much curved over, egg-moulding;
below the design, all round, maeander ; at the back, palmettes. Above the design is a wreath
with flowers and fruit, all in relief.

Design in relief: Female figure to r., with waved hair and long straight
chiton, extending both hands to a female figure on a larger scale, who has
waved hair and long girt chiton, and holds out a pigeon (?) to her in r. hand,
in 1. ap/iia/e; the first figure has been painted over with a white slip.

G 12. PROCHOOS. Old No. C. 73. Ht. n-J in. Cyrenaica. Werry, 1856. Imperfectly fired.

Knotted handle with cross-piece above ; cylindrical neck ; shoulder sharply set off from body.

On the shoulder, tendrils incised ; on the body, a band of cubes painted in
yellow and white to give the idea of perspective. On the neck, Gorgoneion
in relief, looking to 1., with snaky curls ; black, white, and yellow scales arc
painted either side, denoting the aegis.

G 13. OINOCHOE. Ht. 7$ in. From Capua. Castellani, 1873. Body ribbed, except in front.

Design white and buff with gilding on black ground ; above, a gilt wreath. Shape as F 570.

Female figure dancing to r., with radiated fillet, gilt bracelets, and buff
himation over 1. shoulder, flesh painted white, r. hand raised over her head, in 1.
a taenia; a taenia hangs from her r. arm ; before her, a tree and a pliiale.

G 14. OINOCHOE. Ht. S| in. From Capua. Castellani, 1873. Body ribbed except in front.

Design white and gilt on black ground ; above, a gilt wreath. Shape as last.

Eros to front, moving to r., nude, with flesh painted white, features and
wings gilt ; in r. hand an oinochoi, in 1. a taenia, both gilt.