Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Walters, Henry Beauchamp; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 1,2): Cypriote, Italian, and Etruscan pottery — London, 1912

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(1) Technique Usually Good ; Mycenaean Influence More or
Less Apparent (C 738-791).

C 738. PLATE OR BOWL. Form 84. Diam. <)\ in. (with handles, I2| in.). From

R. H. Lang's excavations at Dali ; acquired 1873.

Shallow form, nearly flat, with two horned handles ; cf. Cyprus Mus. Cat.,
901. Red clay with buff slip ; black
paint, worn in places, with remains of red.
Paint on rim and handle ; in the interior,
broad central ring, from which a spiral
issues, merging in an outer ring ; beyond,
two rings. On the exterior, round the base,
broad bands and fine rings, one of the
former in light red ; on the edge of the
foot, row of spots. Underneath the foot,
within a ring, is an elaborate pattern of
a square composed of parallel bands of
hatched lines, lattice-lozenges, and hatched triangles within a frame of parallel

C 739.

C 740.

C 741.

Fig. 274 = C 738.

hatched lines

on either side a lattice-triangle.

PLATE. Form 84. Diam. ioi in. Similarly acquired.

Nearly flat, with two horizontal handles (one wanting), on which are
projecting spurs. Buff slip ; dull dark brown paint. Paint on rim and
handle ; in the interior, large thick spiral merging in broad band, and outer
band. On the exterior, round base, broad and narrow
bands ; on base-ring, small black squares at intervals ;
underneath foot, oblong panel of lattice-lozenges,
forming a network, with solid lozenges at intersections, •
on each side of which is a lattice-triangle, with border
of double lines, and at each end a plain triangle (sec
Fig. 275).


Fig. 275 = C 739 (part).

PLATE, similar. Form 84. Diim. 8} in. (with handles, 12 in.). Similarly acquired.

Horned handles, as C 738. Thin drab slip ; dull black paint. Paint on
rim and handles ; in the interior, thick central spiral surrounded by broad band.
Round the base on exterior, broad and narrow bands ; underneath the foot,
central disc surrounded by spiral merging in broad ring, round which are four
lattice triangles and an outer band ; on base-ring, short strokes at intervals
continuing the lines of the lattice triangles.

PLATE, similar. Form 84. Diam. 10J in. (with handles, 133 in.). Similarly acquired.

Light red clay with very thin reddish-buff slip ; dull black and red paint.
Edge damaged ; part of exterior surface discoloured. Mycenaean influence less
prominent than in the preceding. Paint on rim and handles ; in centre, fine