Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 28.1987

DOI Heft:
Nr. 3-4
DOI Artikel:
Dobrzeniecki, Tadeusz; Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie [Mitarb.]: St. Anne from Faras in the National Museum in Warsaw
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 
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10. Athene and Cecrops, drawing of a relief (after J. J. Tikkanen, Zwei Gebdrden, op. cit.)
11. (facing page) Calchas the Priest, mural in Pompei, detail, Naples, Museo Nazionale (after
J. J. Tikkanen, Zwei Gebdrden, op. cit.)

wilt deign to take notice of my trouble and remember me, if thou wilt not forget me but grant
me offspring, then I will give the child to the Lord for His whole life..." For a long time she
went on praying before the Lord, while Eli watched her lips. Hannah was praying silently;
but although lips were moving, her voice could not be heard...

„She conceived, and in due time bore a son, whom she named Samuel, „because', she said,-
T asked the Lord for him'"40.

Protoevangelium Jacobi: „Anne (Mary's mother) went to the garden for a stroił and caught
sight of a laurel bush, and sat beneath; while resting, she begged the Almighty: 'O Lord o£
my fathers, bless me and listen to my prayer, just as you blessed mother Sara and gave her
a son, Isaac'" (11,4).

40. I Book of Samuel I, 9—11, The miniaturę in the Greek Psalter (1084—1101) is an illustration of the same prayer of Anne-
shown here twice — on the right she is standing in the prayerful attitidc, rising hoth hands, on the left side of the miniaturę-
she is holding smali hoy Samuel in the moment of her request for conception of child. Assimilation of Anne to the enthronei*
Virgin- Theotokos is evident: Athos, Pantokratoros 49, fol. 75r, K. Weitzmann, Aus den Bibliołheken des Athos. Illustriertfr
Handschriften aus Millel-und Spiitbyzantinisclier Zeil, Hamburg, 1963.
