Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 30.1989

DOI Heft:
Nr. 3
DOI Artikel:
Ratkowska, Paulina: An alabaster group of the Resurrection in the National Museum in Warsaw
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The physiognomical type of Christ, His somewhat tired face impressed with goodness and
tranquility, with a slightly wry mouth as if cxpressing soft suffcring, connect the Warsaw
sculpture with the statuę described by Gómez-Moreno, although the latter work looks more solid.
Excessively fragile leg of Christ in the Warsaw group recalls a phase iii the devolopment of the
style, well-represented by the miniatures of Jean Tayernier of ca 1460, active probably in the
Southern Netherlands (Fig. 7)18.

The draperies of the Warsaw group show only in the lower part complicate folding with thin
ridges of the folds, nervously thrown horizontally in comparison with the wide fiat surfaccs
of the yertical folds of Christ-Pantocrator in New York, which produce the monuniental eharacter

Sec p. ex. the miniaturę to Chronicles of Charles the Grcut by D. Aubcrt (tcxt 1458), the Southern Netherlands, aseribed to
Tavernier, Mittelalterlicben Miniaturen von der Burgundischcn Bibliothek zum Handsehriitcn-Kubinctt der KonigHch
Bclgischen Bibliothek, Koln 1959, (intr. F. Masai).

6. The Annunciation, an unknown artist of Franco-Netherlandish origin, ca. 1450, Boston,
Muscum of Fine Arts (after Bułletin oj'the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, op. cii.)
