Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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4. Tcmptaticn of Christ, wali painting, St. Martin's Cłnirch. in Zillis (after E. Murbach, Zillis,

Ziirich, 1967)

In Ambrose's Explanatio psalmi I, 37, Christ's prayer and fear of death in the Garden of
Gethsemane are linked up with the Temptation. To those deriding the Crucified in Golgotha,
the Satan prompts the words: '[Messiah] — rcx Israel — descendant nunc de cruce.'12

These Early Christian texts prove that the significance of the Temptation is revealed in a
peculiar way when confronted with the Passion. Mcdiaeval cxegetes of the history of the Temp-
tation relied on the commentaries of Early Christian writers.13 In the exegetic textbook Glossa
Ordinaria, ascribed to Walafrid Strabo (d. 848), the commentary on the history of the Tempta-
tion mr.inly consists of quotations from the Fathers of the Church.14

Rabanus Maurus (Praeceptor Germaniae, d. 856), the most influential writer, quotes texts
of St. Jerome, St. Augustine, Gregory, Hilary and Origen in his commentary on the Gospel
according to MąttheW.15 Bonaventura, the author of a commentary on the Temptation, includes

12. Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, LXIV, VI, pp. 285—8.

13. Kóppen, Die Auslegung, op. cii., pp. 94—1031: ,,Die Auslogung der Vcrsuclumgsgcschichtc im Mittelalter".

14. Mignę, Patrologia-Latina, vol. 114, col. 83—861; 181—182; 253—257.

15. Mignr, Patr. Lal., vel. 107, col. 779—786; cf. also St. Augustine, Scrmones de Saiptura. Semo CCLXXXIV, 53: Mignę,
Palr. Lat., vel. 38, col. 1291.
