Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 32.1991

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2
DOI Artikel:
Dobrzeniecki, Tadeusz: Tentatio Christi
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11. Pierre Salmon donating a manuscript to Charles VI, accompanied, among others, by Jean
Sans Peur; miniaturę from the workshop of Master of Marshal Boucicaut, after 1411, Geneva,
Bibliotheaue publiaue et universitairc, Ms fr. 165, fol. 4 and 7 (after M. Meiss, French Painting. . .,

op. cit.)

Cristi, printed about 1485 at Johann Zeiner's printing house in Ulm (Fig. 8).37 Tlie Satan's robe
is trailing and folded. Its colour, red, and its symbolism are described by Isaiah.38

In the Jerusclem Triptych of Gdańsk, the Satan's head is covered with a hood hanging above
his forehead (Fig. 10), of a kind much liked in, and typical of the late 14th and throughout the
15th centuries,- espeeially in Burgundy. The head-gear of e.g. Prince Jean Sans Peur in his two
portraits is the closest analogy here: 1. The Prince of Burgundy, shown in 3/4 profile, in a pain-
ting considered a copy from the circle of Roger van der Weyden (Fig. 9). The original must

37. Geisltiche Auslegung des Lebens Ikcsu Chrisli. Einc Holzśćhniltfolge des 15. Jahrhundcrts, Lcipzig. 1922, p. 13.

38. Isaiah, I. 18.
