Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 32.1991

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2
DOI Artikel:
Jackiewicz, Danuta: The art of photography: portrait, landscape and reportage in Polish 19th century photography
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5. Karol Beyer, Farmer from Wilanów, 1866

Konrad Brandel availed himself of the opportunity of the renovation of the Clock Tower of tlie
royal castle to photograph the city on 26 August 1873.20 The photos mentioned above were taken
from a high point, affording the photographers a vast fuli circlc cityscape with many planes.
There was also another kind of panorama: Michał Greim circled the town of Kamieniec Podolski
photographing its sections from variuos angles; however this method could he used only in a town
with such a specific situation as Kamieniec. Photographers living in large cities madę freąuent
trips to other parts, though in the period when wet plates were used the difficulties involved in
transporting the whole photographic laboratory were enormous. At our exhibition we presented
Karol Beycr's views which are the earliest surviving examples of country landscapes — ruins
of the Olsztyn castle near Częstochowa, the vicinity of Ojców and Pieskowa Skala, dating from
c. 1860. These unique photographs prove the artist's fondness for outdoor studies. In 1859, the
first photos of the Tatra mountains Were taken. Their author was Walery Rzewuski, whose
stereographs of the Tatras, dating from the 1860's, are chracterized by deep perspectivc and
picturesąueness of the motifs chosen. The only preserved photo of the Tatras by another photo-

20. Wanda Mossakowska,,.Zdjęcia Konrada Brandla do pseudopanoramy Warszawy z 1875 r.,,,in: Kronika W arszawy, 1975,
no. 2, pp. 93—102.
