Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 32.1991

DOI issue:
Nr. 2
DOI article:
Jackiewicz, Danuta: The art of photography: portrait, landscape and reportage in Polish 19th century photography
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grapher, Melecjusz Dutkiewicz21, is a view of Zakopane in 1860. In later years the Tatras fea-
tured prominently in Awit Szubert's and Stanisław Bizański's work of considerable artistic
merit. The 1880's and 1890's saw the appearance of a larger number of rural landscapes with
cottages, matiors, fields, gardens and parks, photographed by such artists as Bizański, Greim,
Grodzicki, Jahudka (Fig. 9), Karoli and Pusch. Photographcrs started producing scries of views
published in folio volumes, for example Beyer's views of Warsaw and Cracow, BrandeFs views of
Warsaw, Czechowicz's album of Vilna and the banks of the Viliya (Fig-10), Greim's Podolian cas-
tles described in Henryk Sienkiewicz's Trilogy, and Teofil Eugeniusz Boretti's views of places
associated with the life and work of the poet Adam Mickiewicz. Such albums were offered for
sale and also as gifts to outstanding Poles. Apart from showing the beauty of landscapes from
various parts of Poland, they had an important role to play in the patriotic education of young
Poles and the consolidation of their love of the country. In our exhibition, the section dedica ted
to views also included photographs of interiors of churches, public utility buildings and palaces.
Noteworthy among them are interiors of the Warsaw town hall photographed by Maksymilian
Fajans after the reconstruction of this building was completed in 1870. For these pictures the
artist was awarded the Medal of Progress at the universal exhibition in Vienna in 1873. In the
1880's, photographs showing residential interiors became increasingly popular. From them we

21. Grażyna Plutccka,, .Melecjusz. Dutkiewicz (1836—1897) — pionier polskiego przemysłu fotochemicznego'in: Fotograf id,
1977, no. 4, pp. 46—48.

6. Konrad Brandel, Humorous portrait of representatives of the Warsaw press, 1868, photo-

