Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 32.1991

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Michałowski, Maciej Piotr: The Raczyński of Rogalin
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1. The Raczyński Palące in Rogalin: The front facade (photo J. Korpal)

The owner of Rogalin was a character of no mean calibre, although his political activity
was regarded in Warsaw in a negative light, because of his controversial connections with foreign
«ourts. In Great Poland however, he enjoyed a great deal of respect. Poznań in particular
was indebted to him for many valuable architectural projects* during his term as the generał
governor of Great Poland, and from 1779, as the head of the Commission of Public Order.
Kazimierz's interest in the architecture of the town was not the only manifcstation of his patro-
nage.at that time. We have reason to believe that he also financed the studies of the painter
Jan Gładysz.5

Kazimierz Raczyński's flourishing political career (in 1780 he became a member of the Per-
petual Council, in 1784 a Marshal of the Court and later a Royal Marshal, and during the Four-
-Year Seym he held the office of minister of police), meant that from 1784 on he had to spend
most of his time in Warsaw, living in his mansion on Długa Street. Kamsetzer turned what
had bcen the dilapidated former palące of the Mycielskis' into a magnificent magnate's resi-
dence, worthy of Kazimierz's position and suitable for recehdng guests of the highest rank.6
Here Raczyński used to give lavish receptions for crowds of people: among his guests were
foreign diplomats, higher officials of the court, King Stanislaus Augustus and his sisters, Prin-

4. Apart from the sponsorship mentioned in note 3, there was also the rebuilding of pert of the Pcznań castle and the erec-
tion of the Wroniecka Gate (c. 1786). For Kazimierz Raczyński as patron, sce Z. Ostrowska-Keblowska, op. ci/., pp. 30
and 63; a'so,Sztuka okresu (Kwiecenia w Poznaniu'", [in:] Dzieje Pcsnanio, I, Warszawa—Poznań, 1988, pp. 916—918.

5. Cf. A. Ryszkicwicz, [in:] Słownik Arlyslćui Polskich, II, 1975, pp. 361—362.

6. Bought by Filip Raczyński in 1787 and given immediately to his father-in-law Kazimierz for his use during his lifetime.
It seems that alteraticns were carried out by J. Ch. Kamsetzer in the years 1787—89. From 1810 onwards the official
owner of the palące was Atanazy Raczyński, who finally sold it in 1827 to the government of the Kingdom of Poland.
At present it is houses the Central Archives. (AGAD). For morę about the palące on Długa Street, see M. I. Kwiat-
Jtowska, Pałac Raczyńskich, Warszawa, 1980.
