Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 42.2001

DOI article:
Aksamit, Joanna: Stone Vessels from Edfu in the National Museum in Warsaw
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The already mentioned fragment of a tazze probably comes from the rubbish
overlaying the excavated area.68

The exact context in which the numerous fragments of stone vessełs dated
to the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods were found, is as a rule not known.
In the excavation reports their finding spot is generally indicated as “KR”
(kom) or “NOI” (one of the sectors of the “pharaonic” necropolis). It can be
assumed, then, that those fragments were found scattered at the area of the
Ptolemaic town and in the filling of the earlier necropolis.

Almost 70 years passed sińce the Franco-Polish excavations in Edfu were
interrupted. The undisputable merit of Professor Michałowski lays not only
in organizing and directing those excavations, but also in initiating other
successful activities of Polish archaeologists in Egypt as well as in other
countries of Africa and the Near East. Inevitably, the archaeological metho-
dology as well as perception of museum objects have changed significantly
sińce the time when the excavations in Edfu were carried out. The decades-
-old discoveries of the Franco-Polish expedition still hide a potential that
can inspire scholars and a reconsideration of seemingly solved ąuestions
concerning Edfu and its necropolis can yield new results even now. The finds
from Edfu are still alive, as much as are alive our memories of Professor

Linguistic consultation - Michał Murawski

68 For the New Kingdom remains yielded by the tell at Edfu see: Tell Edfou 1937, op. cit.,
pp. 17-19, and J. Aksamit, “Egyptian Faience Jar with a Cartouche of Amenmesse from Tell
Edfou - the New Kingdom in the Polish-French Excavations in 1937”, in Les Cwilisations du
Bassin Mediterraneen. Hommages d Joachim Śliwa, ed. by K.M. Cialowicz, J.A. Ostrowski,
Cracow 2000, pp. 29-34, with further bibliography.