Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Analytical Table ok Contents

kkLi-ALL, explaining tbe reasons for tbe slow execution of Ibis Volume:—tbe nature and object
of it8 contents :—Lc.

ixurovrio^iox or- o»ki8'rl^xi'rv ix^o sirn^ix;
i^xo AtAXXbk8 ANIONS I'ttb ^X6I.0-It0^^X8, I'Nb.
I'ttb XOK^iVX8 ; ill'll Ittb OLIVIA,
Ob klOXiVOtH8IU.

kirbl^I^HX^ILV O88LKVA.'l'IOX8 ;
1V8 IXbL^bXOb ox 800Ib1'V
LKI1'0X8, I'ttb XXOt.O-8^XOX8, ^xv
?KO6irL88, VLO^IXL, A.XV 8v?k>kb88I0X
DxcLi.i.Lxc'L of ^rebitecture; appropriation of
Buildings to dillerent purposes, p. I. Britisb
ecclesiastical ^rebiteeture, 2. 3. Obristianit^
introduced into Britain, 3. Its intiuenee, 4.
Bersecutions of tiie Obristians, 5. Invasions
of tire Biots; 8axon Oonc^uest, 5. Indepen-
dence of tlie Britisb Oburcbes; (Conversion of
tics 8axons, 6. Mission of 8t. Augustine, 7.
Bstablisbment of Bpiseopal 8ee8, 8. 9. 8ecu-
lar Olerg^ and Monies, 10. Origin of Mona-
cbism, 10. Brogress before tbe Borman Oon-
c^uest, and foundation oI religious Houses, 11.

Bcelesiastical Brivileges, 12. Danisb Invasions,
13. Monacbism intluenced b^ 8t. Dunstan,
14. Ignorance and 8uperstition in tbe eleventli
Oentur^, 16. l^orman Oon^uest, 16. B-eli-
gious 2eal of tbe Bormans, 16. Vbeir ^bbe^s,
Lo. 18. Briories, 18. Mien Briories, Bre-
oeptories, Oommanderies, hospitals, friaries,
hermitages, Obantries, free Oliapels, 19.
Oonventual Ollieers, 20. 21. Increase of
ecclesiastical Bovver, 21. Beformation in Be-
ligion, 22. 8uppression of Monacbism, and
fstablisbment of Brotestantism, 23.

1'LK^8 O8LV LV vlbbbkbXI' HVKI1'bir8 I'O ObXO-rb 1'ttb V^ILIOI18 8^XL,b8 Ob
L00^L8I^81'I0^ ^trOttirbO'rvirb, ill'll kbVIbVV Ob 2'ttb mbOKlL8 i^xo
O?IXIOX8 U^VL LLbX bOL^I8ttbO LLl.A.'rlVb ^o "bUbHr. OK1OIX ;
IX0t.I7VIX6 A. LKIbb XX^l.V8I8 Ob 'bklL bkIXOlbA It. VVOKX8 OX Ittb 8BL^L0I'.

Onnis'rlLX ^rcbiteeture used as a generic term,
24. Oorrect Nomenclature of Importance, 25.
Ike various Verms used, and Vitles of different
treatises and fssa^s, b^ ^lutbors vvbo bave
publisbed on tlie 8ub^eet, elironologieall^ ar-
l. OoMMerr^art/ o/r fr'trrcvrus, b^ OLSLUL OL-
SAUiAXi, 1521; ivbo speaks of tlie Oatliedral
of Milan as built " Oermanico more"—in tbe
Oerman manner, 26. 82.

2. 7>ecr?rL6 o-r Oeome^rr/, b^ ^i.NLU'r DunLL,
1525; describes fointed ^rcbitecture as a
new species of building, b^ tbe Oermans, not
seen before, 26. 82.
3. ^rves o/ BLrr/rkers, cr»<^ ^/'e^r^ec^s,
b)^ Oioav. V^SAUi, 1550, Lc.; terms tbe
fointed 8t^le Manr'er'a tbe Oerman
or Ootbic manner, 26. 35. 82.
4. 7>ecrtrse o-r 1570, b^
?Ai.i.Avio;—same as Vasari, 26.
5. Z7eMen(s o/' ^Irc^rtsctrcre, b^ 8ia Hexn-x
S 2