Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Britton, John
Chronological history and graphic illustrations of christian architecture in England: embracing a critical inquiry into the rise, progress, and perfection of this species of architecture — London: Nattali, 1835

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mL ^ibonnLom^^ ^utzmuLs, voo. v.
Is composed ok several arebiteetural members from various buildings, and ma^ be said to
display a bigblv decorative, but beterogeneous assemblage ok forms and details. In putting
tbem togetber, I was iniluenced more b^ tbose feelings wbieb too generally govern modern
" Ootbic ^rcbiteets," ok amusing tbe e^e, tban ok satisfying tbe judgment; for bere are
specimens ok dilkerent ages, diderent elasses, and dilkerent subjects: tbe onl^ reason I can
assign in excuse is, tbe reader and student are presented witb several correct details and
members, brougbt into a small compass, eacb ok wbieb ma^ be examined separately, and in-
dependently ok tbe otbers. Ibe^ are all from executed examples, and not fancied designs:—
K, K, cuZrEns, witb riebl^ sculptured foliated capitals, Obapter House, 8absbur^ Oatbedral;
— 5 5 ce and i/, from Malmesbury ^.bbe^ Oburcb, and 8t. Oeorge's
Obapel, Windsor :—e, tbe tbree elaborate oa/ropies, in tbe centre, is a design ok ^.bbot Islip's,
in Westminster ^.bbe^ Oburcb:—on eacb side ok wbieb is a /rr'e^s, witb statue,
Lee. from tbe organ screen, Oanterbur^ Oatbedral:—beneatb tbem, at /, are two
co?/?'S6 Muu/cii-rA's, witb tbe lVorman xigrag and tbe bulb ornaments: —A is a eo/tE-r,
witb central band and peculiar capital from tbe nortb transept ok 8t. Mban's ^bbe^ Oburcb :
—tbe nre/re, witb statue adjoining tbe last named, is from a sbrine in tbe nortb aisle ok tbe
cboir, ?eterborougb Oatbedral:—r, F-KnneZ, witb double oeto-koil mouldings, inclosing a
bust, from tbe west front ok l?etsrborougb Oatbedral:—H, from tbe Obarnel-House Obapsl,
near tbe west front ok lVorwieb Oatbedral:—/rr'c^e, witb tlgure ok a saint, door-wa^ to
Obapter House, 8alisbur^ Oatbedral:—m -r c>, eo/r<M-rs, L^e. from Oanterbur^ Oatbedral:—
tbe cr/'eacie ok semicircular, inclosing pointed arcb mouldings, witb tbe otber ok interlacing-
mouldings, are from Oanterbur^ Oatbedral:—tbe principal arebwav, inclosing tbe writing,
is a t/oo/'-rE?/ at tbe soutb-west angle ok tbe cloisters, ?eterborougb Oatbedral, and con-
stitutes an interesting example ok tbe last semicircular witb tbe tirst pointed stales blended
in one object, d'be series ok pateras, interlacing pannels, L^c. arranged along tbe bottom
ok tbe print, is from tbe western arebwa^, 8t. Meter's Oburcb, l^ortbampton. 8ee ?late
I^o. 19.