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N^NL8 or' ?LK80N8, ?r^0L8, 1LI^N8, ^10.
ro 7ML
pipm VOBDML op inp NBLDilDLlDirND VNlioDilip8.

^VLkk.Vl^'rioils.—6b. —Lburcb:—6bsp.—Obapel:—Dr. 6b.—Brior^ 6burcb:—Vb. 6b_-lbbs^ 6bureb:—6»tb. Ok.—

^4dder/s and priories, number of, temp. Hen. III. 16;
tbe appropriation, Lce. of, 18.
^4ddots, tbeir power and autkorit^, 18.
^4dercleen (Lari of), sa^s tbe pointed st^le occurs in
eastern buildings anterior to an^ in Lurope, 46;
stzde introduced into Lbristendom, at once, witb all
its distinctive features, 47 ; opposed b^ Dr. Milner,
^l/ied, bis monastic foundations, 105.
Mien priories, intention and use of, 19.
^InZ-lo-BaMons, establisbment of, in Britain, 5; de-
stroyed tbe Britisb monasteries, 6; superstitions in-
troduced b^, 13.
Arcades. 8ee former Index.
Grebes, cbronological series of, described, DI. No.
81, 82.
Mcditects and founders of buildings, list of, Appen-
dix, No. I.
^lrcditectnral Monuments, list ok, and remarks on, Ap-
pendix, No. III.
-Bictionarp, or Llossar^, Appendix, No.
^.rcditectnre, its excellence, 1; of tbe Lreeks, Bomans,
and middle ages, id.
-ecclesiastical, its importance, 2, 3 its
comparative permanency, 86.
--Britisd, 86; military, 87 ; religious, 88.
-Ldristian, its nomenclature capricious,
24; subdivided into kvs species, id.; b^ wbom inves-
tigated and illustrated, 26, 27; admixture ok stales
alter tbe Lonyuest, 27.
-Norman, superior to tbat ok tbe 8axons,
112; IVilkins's proposed criterion ok, id.; essential
cbaracteristies, 113; West fronts ok Norman build-
ings noticed, and specimens enumerated, 113, 114.
Mcditecture, Nonran, in Britain, 89; relies and decline
ok, id.; specimens ok, 156, Lcc.
--Banon, before tbe Conquest, I, 27; suc-
ceeded b^ a mixture ok Lotbio and 8araoenic, id.;
ditllcultx ok assigning buildings to it, 110 ; supposed to
be all limber, 97 ; derived from tbe Boman, 107; no

perfect examples ok it supposed to exist, 108, 110;
Mr. Larbett's opinion relative to, 109; probable relics
ok, at Westminster noticed, 110; probable specimens
ok, 165, Lcc.
Ascetics, tbeir mode ok like, 10.
^ludrep's 8pecimens ok windows, 34; observations on
Nrcbitecture, 35.
^lnFnstine, bis mission to Britain, 7.
Eveline's lomb, in lVestm. Nk. 6b. 132.
^tpmer de Valence, bis tomb in IVestm. Nb. Lb. 134.
Bar/reston Ld. indicates tbe dawn ok pointed Vrcbitec-
turs, 115.
Barrp (dames) on pointed arcbiteoture, 41.
Barton (part's) lower described, 165, pl. Nos. 3, 4-
-8t Peter's, lower, described, 167, ?l. No. 5.
Batd did. Ld. noticed, 154.
Bells, on tbe earl^ use ok, 106, note.
Bell Vomer. 8ee lower.
Bentdam (Bev. d.) supposes tbe pointed 8t)le origina-
ted in Lngland, 52; vindicated krom Dr. Milner's
cbarge, id. N.; tbinks tbe portions ok 8axon cburcbes
was tbe side ails, 98 ; controverted b^ Mr. Vilkins,
id.; bis opinion ok cruciform cburcbes opposed b^
Dr. Milner, 106.
Bererler/ Minster, bistor^ and description, 194, and live
plates. No. 41-45.
Biscop, founder ok IVeremoutb Monastery, 100.
Bolton, master ok tbe works lien. VII.'s Lbap. 152-
Boston lower described, 206, ?ls. Nos. 64, 65.
Brap (8ir Reginald), bis ebantr^, in 8t. Leorge's
Lbapel, 151; conjectured to bave designed llenrv
VII.'s Lbapel, 152.
Britain, progress ok religion in, 2-23 ; its emancipation
krom tbs ^oke ok Boms, 6; its clergy munibcentl^
rewarded, 12.
Britisd Ldnrcdes, ancient, at Verulam, IVbitbern, Lcc.
93 ; repaired b^ Nurelius Nmbrosius and Vrtbur, id.
Briarwortd Ld. Nortbamptonsbire, description ok,