Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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43. Mrs. G. B. Aitken has pointed out to me
a paragraph in the Talmud (Polano, Chandos
Classics VI. p. 134) which reads: “Now the Pharaoh
(of the Oppression) had two sons and three
daughters. The eldest son was a man of foolish
habits and excitable disposition, while the second,
who was intelligent and versed in the sciences of
the country, was yet a man of wicked imagi-
nation, disfigured and a dwarf. Yet the king, taking
into consideration his superior intelligence, named
his second son to reign after him.” It goes on
to say how this son ascended the throne. It is not
supposed that Sety I was the Pharaoh of the
Oppression, but only two or three children of him
are known, in contrast with the hordes claiming
Ramesses II as their father. Our Pa-Ra'messu did
not ascend the throne perhaps, although he seems
to have been appointed heir. But the fact that
his bones show him definitely to have been a
hunchback certainly suggests that there is some
truth in the Talmud story. — G. B.
44. Skull. This is remarkable on account of its
distortion, which is due to early closure of the
sagittal and lambdoid sutures, throughout their
entire length. The portion of the skull behind the
bregma is very narrow and becomes increasingly
so further back, so that the occiput is cone-shaped
with a tendency to greater projection of its left
side. The right side of the parieto-occipital region
is slightly fuller than the corresponding area on
the left side of the skull, which appears to be
flattened. The growth of the brain has caused a
marked bulging of the frontal region, this being
the only part where expansion was possible, as
the coronal suture is unaffected by the synostosis.
In consequence, the forehead is high with pro-
nounced frontal bosses and this causes the maximum
length of this skull to be shifted to the diameter
between the centre of the forehead and the
occiput, instead of between the glabella and occi-
put as in normal crania. The increase in the
frontal region has added greatly to the basi-
bregmatic height of this skull. The ordinary bevelled

parieto-squamous suture is here markedly serrated
with the inclusion of numerous small Wormian
bones, and on the left side a large epipteric
bone. This again is due to the necessity for
expansion in other than the normal directions,
owing to the fusion of the sagittal and lambdoid
The basilar suture is still widely open, as the
skull is that of a youth of about 17 years of age.
The left upper 3rd molar tooth has erupted the
alveolus, but had not cut the gum, but on the
right side it is still high up in the alveolus and
in an immature state. The mastoid foramina are
very large and admit a crow quill; on the left
side there are two of these foramina 25 mm. apart,
one in the parieto-mastoid suture and the other
in the occipito-mastoid.
On the left tympanic plate there is a curious
deposition of new bone and considerable pitting of
the bone surrounding the auditory meatus of the
same side, suggesting some inflammatory condition
of that region, possibly middle ear disease, as the
cavity of the middle ear also shows signs of long-
standing inflammation. The groove for the superior
longitudinal sinus appears to be doubled from
a point about two inches behind the bregma. The
larger and deeper channel turns into the right
lateral sinus.
Bones of the skeleton.
The epiphyses of the long bones are still
separate. Exceptions to this are the lower epiphysis
of the humerus which is joined to the shaft, but
the internal epicondyle is still separate, and the
upper epiphysis of the ulna. By European stand-
ards, this should make the youth about 17 years
of age.
The evidence of the sacrum tends in the same
direction. The lateral masses of the 4 th and 5 th
sacral vertrebrae have joined on the right side,
not on the left. But it is interesting to note that
the transverse process portion of the lateral mass
just referred to has not fused, although the costal
part has, and a distinct foramen exists between
the two.
The left clavicle has been fractured at its sternal
end, and has united with considerable shortening.
The vertebrae show the following irregularities,
a 7 th cervical rib on the right side, and the