Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Budge, Ernest A. Wallis [Bearb.]
The book of the dead: the Papyrus Ani in the British Museum ; the Egyptian text with interlinear transliteration and translation, a running translation, introd. etc. ([Text]) — London, 1895

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Power of the gods of

The souls of the dead could also be commended to the care of the gods above
by the gods of Annu, and thus we find it said in the pyramid of Unas : “ O gods
“ of the west, O gods of the east, O gods of the south, O gods of the north, ye
“ four [orders of gods] who embrace the four holy ends of the universe, and
“ who granted to Osiris to come forth to heaven, and to sail over the celestial
“ waters thereof with his son Horus by his side to protect him and to make him
“ to rise like a great god from the celestial deep, say ye to Unas, ‘ Behold
“ ‘ Horus, the son of Osiris, behold Unas, the god of the aged gods, the son of
“ ‘ Hathor, behold the seed of Seb, for Osiris hath commanded that Unas shall
“ ‘ rise like the second of Horus, and the four khus who are in Annu have
“ ‘ written this command to the great gods who are in the celestial waters.’ ’’1
And again, “ When men are buried and receive their thousands of cakes and
“ thousands of vases of ale upon the table of him that ruleth in Amenta, that being
‘ is in sore straits who hath not a written decree : now the decree of Unas is
“ under the greatest, and not under the little seal.”2

The plan of the Sekhet-Hetep which we find in the Book of the Dead
during the Theban period will be described below, and it is therefore sufficient to
say here that the ideas of the happy life which the deceased led had their origin
in the pyramid texts, as may be seen from the following passage :—“ Unas hath
“ offered incense unto the great and little companies of the gods, and his mouth
“ is pure, and the tongue which is therein is pure. O ye judges, ye have taken
“ Unas unto yourselves, let him eat that which ye eat, let him drink that which
“ ye drink, let him live upon that which ye live upon, let your seat be his seat,
“ let his power be your power, let the boat wherein he shall sail be your boat, let
“ him net birds in Aaru, let him possess running streams in Sekhet-Hetep, and
“ may he obtain his meat and his drink from you, O ye gods. May the water
“ of Unas be of the wine which is of Ra, may he revolve in the sky like Ra,
“ and may he pass over the sky like Thoth.” 3

Of the condition of those who failed to secure a life of beatitude with the gods
in the Sekhet-Aaru of the Tuat, the pyramid texts say nothing, and it seems as if
the doctrine of punishment of the wicked and of the judgment which took place
after death is a development characteristic of a later period.

1 Recueil de Travaux, t. iv., p. 69 (11. 572 —75)- 2 Ibid., t. iv., p. 71 (1. 583).

3 Ibid., t. iii. (1. 191-93).