Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Birch, S. Papyri from the Coilection of the Earl of Belmore, London, 1843. (Contains a
facsimile of the hieratic papyrus of Tchet-Khensu-aus-ankh ; see plates 1-4.)

Lepsius, R. Denkmaler, Abth. vi. (Contains a facsimile of the hieratic papyrus of Ankh-f-
en-Khensu ; see Bl. 123.)

MARIETTE, A. Les Papyrus Egyptiens du Musde de Boulaq, Paris, 1876. (Contains a
facsimile of the hieroglyphic papyrus of Queen Hent-taui; see plates 12-21.)

MARUCCHI, O. II grande papiro Egizio della Biblioteca Vaticana, Roma, 1888.

MASPERO, G. Les Momies Royales de Deir el-Bahari {Mtmoires de la Mission Archtologique,
t. i., pp. 595-614, Paris, 1889).

XXVIth and following dynasties.

Leemans, C. Les Papyrus ligyptiens du Musde de Boulaq, Leyden, 1867. (Contains a
facsimile of the papyrus of Auset-urt, see plate 1 ff.)

Roug£, E. de. Rituel Funeraire, Paris, 1861.

-Description de l’ligypte, Paris, 1821, t.ii. (Contains a facsimile of the papyrus

of Nes-Heru-p-Ra ; see plate 48 f.)


BlRCH, S. On some Egyptian Rituals of the Roman Period (P.S.B.A.,* Vol. VII., p. 49).

- Facsimiles of two Papyri found in a Tomb at Thebes, London, 1863.

Cadet, J. M. Copiefigurbe d’un Rouleau de Papyrus trouve a Thebes, Paris, 1805. Compare
also Description de I'&gypte, Paris, 1821, pl. 72 ff.

FONTANA, D. Copie Figuree d’un Rouleau de Papyrus, publide par M. Fontana et expliquee
par M. de Hammer, Vienna, 1822.

HAWKINS, E., and S. BlRCH. Papyri from the Collection of the Earl of Belmore, London,
1843. (Contains a facsimile of the papyrus of Peta-Heru-p-Ra ; see plates 7, 8).

LEEMANS, C. Monuments fcgyptiens, Leyden, 1841, 1842. (Contains a facsimile of the
papyrus of Nes-nekht).

LEPSIUS, R. Das Todtenbuch der Aegypten nach dem hieroglyphischen Papyrus im
Turin, Leipzig, 1842).

REVILLOUT, E. Rituel funeraire de Pamauth, Paris, 1880.

WlEDEMANN, A. Hieratische Texte aus den Museen zu Berlin und Paris, Leipzig, 1879.

(Contains the facsimile (MS. Louvre, No. 3283) of a Book of the Dead of thc
late Ptolemai'c period, written in hieratic for the lady Auset-urt, with translation.)

Note.—P.S.B.A. = Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archceology, and T.S.B.A. =the Transactions of the same Socicty.