Daggers, 49, 84, 87-8, 176
Danaans, 123, 202, 204
Dancing, 6, 22, 105
Dark on light designs, 47-8, 53,
84-6, 99, 188
Dawkins, R. M., 22, 56, 85, 98,
IS». 157
Dicte, Cave of Zeus, 24-5, 116
Dimini. See Volo
Diorite bowl, 44-6; statue, 67,
Dorians, 43, 160, 204-5
Dorpfeld, 41-2, 55, 78-81, 197-
201, 210-2
Double axe: in cult, 25, 37,
112-4, 116, 158; mason's
mark, 110-2
Dove Goddess, 113, 115, 134, 138,
Drainage : at Knossos, 9, 104 ; in
Mesopotamia, 9, 30, 139
Draughtboard. 20, 84
Drerup, 139, 208
Dress, Minoan, 32, 36-8, 125, 137,
177, 182-3
Duck Vases, 54, 89
Duckworth, 166, 173
Dussaud. R., 14, 111
Early Minoan I., 44-9, 56, 190-1
--II., 49-50
--III., 50-3, 56-8, 75, 191, 193
Edgar, C. C, 49, 89
Egyptian art, 73-7, 96, 173 ;
chronology, 15, 44-6, 50,66-76,
159-60, 221-6; influence, 45,
50, 76-7, 148, 178, 181 ; Laby-
rinth, 108-10, 121-4
Eteo-Cretan language, 151-8,
163, 227-9
Etniria, 109, 119, 123-6, 202, 204
Etruscan art, 35, 125
Evans, A. J. : claimed for Sinai
dating, 77 ; method of, 105-6 ;
Minoan system of, 41-4 ; mis-
representation of, in C.R.A.C.,
80 ; on Cupbearer, 2 ; on
Double Axe, 110-1, 119; on
Labyrinth, 130 ; on Minoan
Script, 147-51 ; personality of ;
1-2, 22-3. See also under Early,
Middle, and Late Minoan,
Egyptian Chronologyand passim
False-necked vases, 88-90, 101
Farnell, L. R., 11, 116, 127, 129,
Fick, 11, 117, 127, 141-2, 155, 218
Flower-pots, 85
Forster, E. S., 105
Fortifications, absence of : at Knos-
sos, 11, 17 ; at Phxstos, 28
Frazer, 10, 169
Frescoes: Egyptian, Cat, 31, 93 ;
Rekhmara and Seumut, 3, 15-6,
93-5 ; Strainer, 91
— Hagia Triada, Cat, 31, 93
— Knossos, Bull Ring, 21-2, 130 ;
Crocus Gatherer, 3, 62 ; Cup-
bearer, 2, 39, 86, 92, 167 ; Girl,
'9. l3o; King with Peacock
Plumes, 19, 86, 92 ; Labyrinth,
130 ; Marine, 14, 20, 92 ; Palace
Sports, 3, 86 ; Shrine, 28, 113 ;
Tribute Bearer, 3
— Mycenae, Sea Monster, 14
— Phrcstos, Flower, 28
— Phylakopi, Flying Fish, 20, 179
— Tiryns, Bull Ring, 179
— Troy, absence of, 200
Fyfe, 28, 86
Gardner, P., 136
Geometric Age, 48, 100-1
Gha, 180-1
Golden Lamb, 133
Goldsmiths' work, 32-3
Gortyna, 108, no, 138-9, 205
Goths, 172
Gournia, 26-7, 106, in, 113, 138,
Greek language, coming of, 145
Greeks and Minoans, 144-6, 152-4,
160-2, 165, 197-204
Gypsum, use of, 7-8, 81, 122
Hagia Triada : Tholos, 29, 49, 168,
212; Villa, 31-9, 84, 113, 128,
147-8 ; destruction of, 100
Hagios Onuphrios, 24, 52, 75-6
Hair, cut of, 3, 21. 31-2, 36, 38,
94, 182-3
Halbherr, P., 9, 27-39, 138, 212
Hall, H. R., 15, 93-4, 104, 122-4,
148, 153, 155, 182, 198, 202-3
Harrison, J. E., 115, 135, 139
Harvester Vase, 35-8, 173
Height, 173-5
Helbig, 142, 179
Henrum, 103, 115
Herodotus, 141, 153-4,202
Hittite, 139, 155
Hockcrgriiber, 212
Hoernes, 52, 184-96
Hogarth, 8, 24, 26, 85, 90, 113,
115, 127-8, 136, 172, 198
Daggers, 49, 84, 87-8, 176
Danaans, 123, 202, 204
Dancing, 6, 22, 105
Dark on light designs, 47-8, 53,
84-6, 99, 188
Dawkins, R. M., 22, 56, 85, 98,
IS». 157
Dicte, Cave of Zeus, 24-5, 116
Dimini. See Volo
Diorite bowl, 44-6; statue, 67,
Dorians, 43, 160, 204-5
Dorpfeld, 41-2, 55, 78-81, 197-
201, 210-2
Double axe: in cult, 25, 37,
112-4, 116, 158; mason's
mark, 110-2
Dove Goddess, 113, 115, 134, 138,
Drainage : at Knossos, 9, 104 ; in
Mesopotamia, 9, 30, 139
Draughtboard. 20, 84
Drerup, 139, 208
Dress, Minoan, 32, 36-8, 125, 137,
177, 182-3
Duck Vases, 54, 89
Duckworth, 166, 173
Dussaud. R., 14, 111
Early Minoan I., 44-9, 56, 190-1
--II., 49-50
--III., 50-3, 56-8, 75, 191, 193
Edgar, C. C, 49, 89
Egyptian art, 73-7, 96, 173 ;
chronology, 15, 44-6, 50,66-76,
159-60, 221-6; influence, 45,
50, 76-7, 148, 178, 181 ; Laby-
rinth, 108-10, 121-4
Eteo-Cretan language, 151-8,
163, 227-9
Etniria, 109, 119, 123-6, 202, 204
Etruscan art, 35, 125
Evans, A. J. : claimed for Sinai
dating, 77 ; method of, 105-6 ;
Minoan system of, 41-4 ; mis-
representation of, in C.R.A.C.,
80 ; on Cupbearer, 2 ; on
Double Axe, 110-1, 119; on
Labyrinth, 130 ; on Minoan
Script, 147-51 ; personality of ;
1-2, 22-3. See also under Early,
Middle, and Late Minoan,
Egyptian Chronologyand passim
False-necked vases, 88-90, 101
Farnell, L. R., 11, 116, 127, 129,
Fick, 11, 117, 127, 141-2, 155, 218
Flower-pots, 85
Forster, E. S., 105
Fortifications, absence of : at Knos-
sos, 11, 17 ; at Phxstos, 28
Frazer, 10, 169
Frescoes: Egyptian, Cat, 31, 93 ;
Rekhmara and Seumut, 3, 15-6,
93-5 ; Strainer, 91
— Hagia Triada, Cat, 31, 93
— Knossos, Bull Ring, 21-2, 130 ;
Crocus Gatherer, 3, 62 ; Cup-
bearer, 2, 39, 86, 92, 167 ; Girl,
'9. l3o; King with Peacock
Plumes, 19, 86, 92 ; Labyrinth,
130 ; Marine, 14, 20, 92 ; Palace
Sports, 3, 86 ; Shrine, 28, 113 ;
Tribute Bearer, 3
— Mycenae, Sea Monster, 14
— Phrcstos, Flower, 28
— Phylakopi, Flying Fish, 20, 179
— Tiryns, Bull Ring, 179
— Troy, absence of, 200
Fyfe, 28, 86
Gardner, P., 136
Geometric Age, 48, 100-1
Gha, 180-1
Golden Lamb, 133
Goldsmiths' work, 32-3
Gortyna, 108, no, 138-9, 205
Goths, 172
Gournia, 26-7, 106, in, 113, 138,
Greek language, coming of, 145
Greeks and Minoans, 144-6, 152-4,
160-2, 165, 197-204
Gypsum, use of, 7-8, 81, 122
Hagia Triada : Tholos, 29, 49, 168,
212; Villa, 31-9, 84, 113, 128,
147-8 ; destruction of, 100
Hagios Onuphrios, 24, 52, 75-6
Hair, cut of, 3, 21. 31-2, 36, 38,
94, 182-3
Halbherr, P., 9, 27-39, 138, 212
Hall, H. R., 15, 93-4, 104, 122-4,
148, 153, 155, 182, 198, 202-3
Harrison, J. E., 115, 135, 139
Harvester Vase, 35-8, 173
Height, 173-5
Helbig, 142, 179
Henrum, 103, 115
Herodotus, 141, 153-4,202
Hittite, 139, 155
Hockcrgriiber, 212
Hoernes, 52, 184-96
Hogarth, 8, 24, 26, 85, 90, 113,
115, 127-8, 136, 172, 198