Hinweis: Dies ist eine zusätzlich gescannte Seite, um Farbkeil und Maßstab abbilden zu können.
1 cm

that the design is Chinese in character, and that the "material ;rsho\vs
signs of being silk. I am unable to give any judgment as to the pro-
bability of such a suggestion, but I mention it in case it may meet the
eye of some authority on early Chinese art and literature.
R. M. B.
Athens, September, 1907.
that the design is Chinese in character, and that the "material ;rsho\vs
signs of being silk. I am unable to give any judgment as to the pro-
bability of such a suggestion, but I mention it in case it may meet the
eye of some authority on early Chinese art and literature.
R. M. B.
Athens, September, 1907.