Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Buss, Georg; Steinhausen, Heinrich [Hrsg.]
Beschreibung der deutschen Pfalz und Führer durch das deutsche Dorf — Berlin, 1893

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1 Heifer.

Wie VDenbclin in Cangenau petite erfte Jugenb

cbu ZDenbelin von Cangeuau,
bin bes Beid-sfreit-errnBnrg«
barb »on £angenau einziger
Solm, barnm id* aud] von
ifyftt, rote »on meiner fü§en
ZTIutter, aus bet* 2Tfaa§en febr
geliebet roorben bin, alfo, ba%
mir bas eingebenden an meine Kinber= unb
Jugenbtage n?ie von einem rofigen Sd]immer
überglaset im Sinne liegt, roie bas lieblidie
£at*uti*al feiber, roenn bie 2T(atenfoune über ben
blumigen IDiefengrunb febeint uub mit bem
bellen £aube ber Bud]eu unb anberen lüalb-
bäume in laulid*er Cuft fpielet. T>enn im
XTaffauifdiem Canbe ift bie Burg Cangenau
gelegen, pormals bin (Srafeu bafelbft lel*ens-
pflid*tig, fobann aber burd* Stbolpb^um, bem
fyocbberüfymten Kaifer aus Haffauifdiem <Se-
fd^ledit, in ben Beicbsftanb erhoben; fo ba§
feitbem bie Ferren r>on Cangenau allein Kaifer»
Itdtjcr ZTTajeftät untertänig geroefen fiub unb
batten mit dürften uub £jet*3Ögeu bie gleicbe

2luf biefer Burg benn bin id* A. D. \Hß:l:
geboren unb audi allbd aufgetr>ad*fen,
unb feiigeres £oos, ad*te id], ift niemalen
feinem Bitterfinbe geworben als mir unter
ber liebereiebeu Irjutfy meiner b^t^euren
Altern. 1>a5U, benf id* audi, giebt's in
bentfdien Canben fein tr>onnefameres tEtjal
als bas, fo bie Berge' meiner i^eimati* um«
fransen unb bie £alm fammt bem (Selbacb in
anmutbjgeu IPinbungen burcbfliefjt. <§unfcben
beiben XPaffern aber, r>on itmen roobjbefcbüt*,!,
ba^u r>on funftreieben Baftionen unb tiefen
IDallgräben umgeben, erfyob ftdj iroijiglid]
meines Paters Burg. <£r lebete aber mit
feinem (Semai*!, 5rau Juliane aus bem eblen
Biberftein'fdien (Sefd*led]te, in einem über bie
ZTfaajgen frieblid?en unb glücffeligen fifyebunbe;

Chapter I.

How Wendelin spent his youth at Langenau.

I, WendelinvonLangenau, am the only son
of the noble Baron Burchard von Langenau,
and as such beloved beyond measure by him
and my sweet mother, so that the remembrance
of my childhood's days seems bathed in a rosy
light, like the charming valley of the Lahn
when the May sun is flooding the flowery
meadows and playing with the green foliage of
the birches and other trees of the forest in the
mild spring air. For the Castle of Langenau
is situated in the land of Nassau and used to
do fealty to the Earls of that land, until
Adolphus the celebrated Emperor of the family
of Nassau ranked them amongst his nobility,
since when the masters of Langenau have only
acknowledged the sovereignty of the Emperor
and have been on an equality with princes
and dukes.

In this Castle I was born, A. D. one
thousand four hundred and ninety —, there
I grew up, and a happier childhood than mine,
loved and cared for by my tender parents
has, I ween, never fallen to the lot of any
knightly offspring. There is too, I think,
no other valley in the whole of Germany
which can compare with the one surrounded
by the mountains of my native home,
and through which flow the Lahn and the
Gelbach. Between these two rivers, surro-
unded by ingenious bulwarks and deep
moats, towered defiantly my father's Castle.
He lived with his consort Mistress Juliane,
a member of the noble family of Biberstein,

a most happy marriage, and even as it


would be difficult for me to say which
loved the other best, so it would be difficult
for me to decide who developed the most
zeal and industry in seeing that I, the only
son and heir, should be trained in all
the customs and usages befitting a knight
