
Camera Work: A Photographic Quarterly — 1904 (Heft 7)

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Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. [60 Prize Pictures]
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Lizenz: Camera Work Online: In Copyright

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60 Prize Pictures
reproduced as nearly as possi-
ble in the original colors of
the photographs, in half-tone,
bound in an elegant Souvenir
Portfolio of 64 pages, on heavy
plate paper, with Ten Papers
on Ten Phases of Photogra-
phy, by ten of the most promi-
nent photographers,
25 Cents
These 60 pictures received the Judges’
Awards in our $3,000.00 Competition
just closed. They are the pick of the
thousands of prints from every part of
of the world and represent the highest
attainments in every line of photog-
raphy. Every one interested in pho-
tography should not fail to have this
elegant portfolio, as, aside from its
artistic value and the pleasure of own-
ing such a collection of pictures, it is a
symposium of good lighting, good com-
position, good pictorial photography.
It contains no advertising matter. We
simply want our friends to see the work
the best photographers are doing with
our lenses in all parts of the world.
Send 25 cents, Stamps or Coin
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.
Rochester, N. Y.